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In Accomack County Court.
The Commonwealth of Virginia. -

To the Sheriff or Accomack County, Greeting:

We command you, that you summon Stepna Poulson to appear before our Court of the County of Accomack, at the Court-House thereof, on the first day of the March Term next, to answer the complaint of Catharine P.W. Poulson, that the said Stepna Poulson is in possession and unlawfully withholds from the said Catharine P.W. Poulson a certain lot of ground with the buildings thereon, located near the outer-gate of the farm on which said Catharine P.W. Poulson at present resides, - said farm situated on Onancock Creek in the County of Accomack.  And have then there this Writ.

Witness, John W. Gillet, Clerk of our said Court, at his Office, this 13th day of March, A.D. 1867, and in the 91st. year of the Commonwealth.

J.W. Gillet, C.I.C.[?]

Executed by serving a copy of the within on Stepna Poulson on the 15th day of March 1867.

G.G. Savage Dy.
for S.D. Fletcher Sh'ff.

At a Court of Quarter Sessions held for the County of Accomack, at the Court House thereof, on the 25th day of March, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven. 

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