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Catharine P.W. Poulson, Pl'tff:,
against                         } Upon a complaint
Stepna Poulson,         Def't:, } of unlawful

This day came the plaintiff, by Benjamin T. Gunter, her attorney, and the defendant, although duly summoned and solemnly called, came not.

And thereupon came a Jury, to wit; John W. Willet, Edmund Parkes Junr:, John d. Melson, George Middleton, Edward L. East, Thomas J. Rayfield, Thomas L. Trower, James K. Walker, Henry F. Powell, Smith Hyslop, Jun'r:, John E.T. Window and Richard T. Savage, who being selected by lot in the manner directed by law from the jurors summoned to attend at this term, were tried and sworn to try whether the defendant unlawfully withholds from the plaintiff the premises in controversy, and having fully heard the evidence, returned the following verdict, to wit:

"We the Jury find for the plaintiff, and that she recover from the defendant, the possession of the premises in the summons mentioned, which the defendant unlawfully detains from her."  Therefore it is considered by the Court, that the plaintiff recover against the defendant possession of the premises aforesaid, and her costs by her in this behalf expended.  And a Writ of Possession is awarded, to cause the said plaintiff to have such possession.

The Commonwealth of Virginia. -
To the Sheriff of Accomack County, Greeting: