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This deed made this 23d day of April A.D. 1866 Between James E. Minson and Rebecca Minson of the one part — now residing in the city of Norfolk in the state of Virginia) and T. S. Tennis of the other Part — (of the county of Elizabeth City in the state aforesaid Witnesseth that the said James E. Minson and Rebecca his wife for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred Dollars ($100)to them in hand paid by the said T.S. Tennis before the sealing and delivery of these presents the the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and convey unto the said TS. Tennis and to his heirs and assign forever a certain lot of land on the south side of the street or road leading to the cross roads and fronting thereon a distance of thirty two feet and thirty feet on the back of the said lot the said lot of hand is in the County of Elizabeth  City of onsaid bounded north by the said street or road south by the creek East by the property of J.S. Tennis and West by the property of S. Sheets being the same lot of land which was conveyed to said James E. Minson by Thomas W. Roche & wife by deed dating the 1st day of Jany 1851 and which was of record in the Clerks office in the county court of Elizabeth City County To have and to hold the said lot of land with the priviledges &c to him [[strikethrough]] herein [[/strikethrough]] the said T.S. Tennis and to his heirs and assigns forever and the said James E.