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√ Maddax EJ. 231.
√ Magruder S. Mr 226. 245. 271. 298
√ Mallory M F Ms 158.
√ Mallory W 422.
√ Mallery Lieut Col. 439
√ Mann O.L. Bvt Major. 31. 31. 82. 90. 95. 121. 123. 132. 142. 181. 184. 188. 189. 209. 259.      
√ Mann Theodore 46.
√ Manly R.M. Chaplain 11. 11. 193 
Marsh G.F., Lt. Col. 83. 91. 112. 114. 115. 123. 132. 
√ Marshall Mary & Lucinda 278.
√ Marshall Matilda 331.
√ Marshall Lack & Sallie 415.441.451.
√ Marshall Rev Chaplain 396.
√ Martin Bvt Major 346.436.
√ Martin Frank & James 190.328.355.408
√ Massey James W 286.
√ Massey F J 1st Lieut [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 410.
√ May Saml Jr. Mr. 346.346.
√ Maxey Albert J 361.407
√ McCarty Cap. 204
√ McCarty James B 28_
√ McEnter Bvt Col 452
√ McCandlish Ms 232.296.302
√ McDaniels Lieut 416.
√ McDaniels Walter Esq_ 310
√ McFarland James_ 45.
√ McGander W.B. Mr 225.
√ McLeonard Major 359.
√ McKim Mrs 367.
√ McQuorn.Rose Eliza Joseph, & Frank 259.
√ McKay S. Esq 27.
√ McKinney John (cold.) 402.
√ McNulty W.C.M. Dr. 408
√ McRed C. C. Esq__ 57
√ McKurzie J. H. Mr 218.
√ Marshall Ms P_ 457
√ Massey, Co & Houghes 446.
√ Martin John & George 469
√ Marshall, Bvt Assist_ 84.
√ Massenberg Esq 426.274
√ Massenberg Polly 474.
√ Maye_George Wm. 455.
√ Methodist Episcopal Church South. 58_


Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to fit the numbers on the right hand side of the page into the equation, but besides that and a few names it's manageable.