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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned, Lands
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia
Richmond Va. June 1st 1865

Fullerton  Lt. Col:
Asst Adjt General

I have the honor to report that I arrived in Richmond yesterday May 31st, and in obedience to orders have established my Hd. Quarters here;  I have found no Quarters or Offices in possession of the Military authorities, and was obliged to hire a building for the purpose:  I called on General  Ord this morning and was received by him cordially. he proposes how ever to visit Washington at once to confer with General Howard.- I would beg leave to call the attention of the Commissioner to the immediate necessity of Same order from the War Department to prevent the freedmen from removing from one State into another, until the Bureau is fully organized
I would further report that I shall be able in a day or two to forward a full description of all unsold confiscated Lands.
No Quarter Master has yet reported to me for duty. 
I have the honor to be, Colonel,
Very respty Your ob't Serv't
Signed, O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Com'r &c

J.A. Bates

(2) Telegram
Richmond Va. June 1st 1865

Gordon  To Brig. Genl-
Norfolk Va.
Please inform me whether the Freedmen who came to Suffolk from North Carolina have been provided for
Signed, O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Commisioner

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond Va. June 1st 1865

Alvord  Captain Henry. E
2d Mass Cavalry

Your communication of 15th ulto. is received- I have to inform you that I do not think I Shall be able to employ you after being mustered out-  I have made an application to have you report to me for duty while you hold your commission
Very resp'ty'  Your Obt. Servt.
(Signed) O. Brown
Capt & A.Q.M
Asst Com't &c

J. A. Bates

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