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(13) Telegram) 
Richmond June 12th 1865

James  Col. W.L.
Chf Quartermaster
Fort Monroe Va.
Can you let me have Some funds, if So what amount
(Sgd) O Brown Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(14) Telegram) 
Richmond June 12th 1865

Fullerton  Col.
A. A. General
Bureau Refugees Freedman &c
Cor of I and 19th Streets
Washington D. C.

General Ord. is willing to turn over the case of the Freedmen to the Bureau but cannot spare any officers, Can you Send me any - one Asst Quartermaster if no more
(Sgd), O Brown Capt & A Q M
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond June 13th 1865

Smith  To Col Ed W.
Asst. adjt. General

Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commissioner of this Bureau desires to know the number of families of Colored Soldiers belonging to the 25th Army Corps, and the numbers of persons belonging to these families that desire to go to Texas to join their Husbands and Fathers
I have the honor to be, Colonel
Very respty Your obt Servt
(Sgd.)  O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M
Asst Commissioner &c

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond June 13th 1866
Smith  Col: Ed. W.
Asst Adjt General

I would respectfully ask that an orderly be assigned to me for duty
Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt  
(Sgd)  O Brown Capt & A Q M
Asst Commissioner
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl


Richmond Va. June 13th 1865

Barnes  Capt. Stuart,

I have received a telegram from the war Department, informing me that you are detailed for duty in this Bureau and ordered to report to me.
On the receipt of the order you will please receive the property now on my papers in Norfolk District, and retain the Same until I can make assignments to the different Districts, under advice of the Commissioner of the Bureau 
Yours Respectfully 
(sgd) O Brown Capt & A.Q.M
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond June 13th 1865

Terry  Major Genl
Commanding Dept Va
In reference to the accompanying document I have the honor to state that the articles hereinafter named will be of great service to the Bureau, and would respectfully ask that they be turned over for its benefit Viz
The clothing named
Saw Mills
Grist Mills

Of the 2. Masters property 
40 Sets Black Smiths Tools
100 Sets Carpenters Tools
10,000 lbs Nails
1000 Camp Kettles 
10,000 lbs Horse & Mule Shoes
5.000 Axes
1,000 Spades
10.000 Hoes
2.000 Shovels
All old wrought Iron
2000 Mess Pans
all the old and captured Tents and all of the Boats and Seines - 
I would further request that if consistent with the requirements of the Service, all the old Hospital Bedsteads, Beds, Bedding, and worn plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons, Hospital Cooking utensils &c, that would amount to but little if sold, but would be of great service to the Freedmen, be turned over to the Bureau
I have the honor to be, General
Very respty your Obt. Sevt.
Sg'd  O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M
Asst. Commissioner &c

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(1 enclosure)

Transcription Notes:
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