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Cultivate as far as possible, among them a friendly Spirit towards the Citizens and their former Masters, and explain to them the relations that exist between capital and their labor, and how each is dependent upon the other.
You will not issue rations to any person able to work for whom employment can be found - Require each Assistant Superintendent to keep a Register of all colored persons able to work, and without employment in his Sub District, and to aid Such persons in finding places to work. When employment is found let the accompanying form of contract marked "B." be made out in triplicate. One copy to be furnished each of the parties, and one Copy filed in the office of the Assistant Superintendent - Look after the vagrants, and if after being admonished, they do not provide themselves with honest labor, turn them over to work under Some Military guard without payment until they are ready to work for themselves. 
The peculiar laws that have governed these people being no longer in oppression you will consider them under the Same common laws that govern free laborers throughout the North.
Your attention is particularly called to the improvidence of the Freedmen. You will instruct them that their rights in what they may possess will now be protected and that neither laws or proclamations can make them really free, until by frugality and economy they place themselves in a Situation where their dependence on government or charity, for Support, Shall cease. The unsettled condition of these people will be likely to give you trouble. Beyond the changes necessary for the purpose of uniting families, you will discourage these wandering propensities as far as possible, except Such changes as may be needful for labor to find its best market. All orphan children and helpless and infirm persons that have no one to care for them, will be removed from the City at once to a comfortable home now being provided for them at Point of Rocks Hospital. Further instructions will be forwarded to you Soon
I have the honor to be Lieut
Very respty: Your Obt. Servt.
(Sg'd) O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Commissioner

J A Bates
A.A.A. Genl
[[left margin]] Similar instructions sent to Capt A T Fragg A.Q.M. June 23, 1865 and to Capt F [[strike through]] T [[/strike through]] P Crandon A.Q.M. June 24th /65 - Also Capt Alvord and Capt S. Ames [[/left margin]]

(25) Telegram) 
Richmond Va. June 18th 1865

Felt  Capt W.N.
Com Subsistence
Norfolk Va. 

Lieut Col Balloch is appointed Chief Commissary of the Bureau. You will communicate with him at Washington D.C. (corner I and 19th Streets) at once relative to the Supplying of Rations to Freedmen in your District for the month of July
(Sgd) O Brown
Colonel and
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A Genl


Richmond Va. June 19th 1865

Glowsten  To Mr James N.

Your favor in relation to the Schools was duly received and I have respectfully to inform you that as soon as the Bureau is organized in Petersburg, all matters pertaining to the Freedmen will be attended to.
Yours Respectfully
(Sgd) O Brown
Col & Asst Commissioner 

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

(27) Telegram) 
Richmond Va. June 19th 1865

Manly  Chaplain R. M.
City Point Va.

Report to me in person at this place - operator please reply if chaplain M. cannot be found
O. Brown Col
Asst Commissioner 

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond Va. June 18th 1865

Terry  Major Genl
Commanding Dept of Va.

I have the honor to request that the management and control of the Refugees and Freedmen, also all Land and property in possession and in use by the Dept of Negro affairs together with Such Government buildings now in possession of the Military authorities as are not required for Military purposes, be turned over to the officers of the Bureau in the following Counties Viz - Norfolk, Nansemond, Princess-Ann, Southampton, Isle of Wight Accomac. Northampton, and all Counties within the District Commanded by Brig: Gen'l. Ludlow - I would also request that the commanding officer of these Counties be ordered to detail such officers and men as may be required by the Superintendents of Freedmen for the management of the affairs of the Bureau within these Counties - I would further request that rations may be issued upon the return of the officers of the Bureau until such time as the Commissioners of subsistance appointed by the Bureau can attend to this duty.
I have the honor to be General
Very respty Your Obt Servt
O Brown
Colonel and
Ass't Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-02 16:37:00 Had to restructure things. Changed (signed) to (Sg'd) or (Sgd) or (Signed). A lot of punctuation was missing. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-02 17:12:20