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(44) Richmond June 23rd 1865
Smith Colonel Ed. W.
A.A. Genl Dept Va
I would respectfully request that Chaplain P.S. Evans 13th N.Y.H. Artilery, be assigned for duty in this Bureau and ordered to report to me,
I am Colonel Very respty &c
(Sgd) Brown Col & Asst Commissioner
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(45) Richmond Va June 23rd 1865
Harris Mr W.D.
Portsmouth Va
Your favor of June 20th was duly received - contents noted - Prof Woodbury Supt of Schools for Refugees and Freedmen for State of Va will I doubt not give you a Situation when allowed to employ civilians.
Yours Respty
(Signd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

(46) Richmond Va June 23rd/65
Smith Mr F.H.
Eastville, Eastern Shore Va
Your Communication of the 20th inst is received. I have referred the matter to Capt A.S. Flagg. A.Q.M and Supt Freedmens affairs for investigatingn; he has charge of the Dist under Command of Genl Miles
Respty &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst. Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

(47) Richmond Va June 23rd 1865
Felt Capt W.N.
Norfolk. Va
I enclose a copy of communications to Maj. Genl Howard from George Whipple Cor. Sec'y for the Executive Committee American Missionary Rooms, N Y. City in relation to the Colored Schools at Hampton and Fort Monroe Va, please retain it for use in the examination of the School.
I am Captain Yours &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst. Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

(48) Richmond Va June 23rd 1865
Smith Col Ed. W.
A.A. General Dept Va
I have respectfully to inform you that no orderly has reported at my office yesterday or to day. The man on duty yesterday should have been relieved in the morning. he was on duty two days. his orders were to report to me with 24 hours rations - your attention to the matter is respectfully requested.
I am Colonel Respty &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst. Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

(49) Richmond Va June 23rd 1865
Smith Col: Ed: W.
A.A. Genl, Dept Va
Genl Howard having ordered me to appoint a board of officers to examine into the affairs of the Govt School at Hampton Va I would respectfully ask that the following named officers be ordered to attend to that duty
Surgeon DeLamater and Lt S.R. Morgan 8th Ind 41st N.Y. Batt (now in Norfolk)
I am Colonel very respty &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst. Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

(50) Richmond 24th June 1865
Alvord Captain Henry. E.
Superintendent Refugees Freedmen &c
Having been assigned to duty as Supt of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands in this Bureau; it is desirable that you should have the power from competent authority to hold and disburse government property - This can I think be granted you by Maj Genl Howard Commissioner of the Bureau; if not, you will request his assistance in obtaining the authorization from the war Department. You will please consult with the General in reference to this matter.
I am Captain Very Respty &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst. Commissioner
J.A. Bates 
A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
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