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of the respective owners legibly written rather than by metes and bounds or Surveyors lines.

The tracts of which descriptions are required are as follows, designated by the names of the former owners and the Docket number, as taken from the Books of the U.S. Dist: Attorney. and are all in Fairfax County Va. Lewis D. Means. No 61, Henry M Thomas No 63, William D Nutt No 64, Alexander Fairfax No 65, William Hamersley No 73 William B Day No 257, John Powell No 262, Robert Drane No 263, John Powell No 264, John Powell No 265, John Powell No 266, William A. Barnes No 293, James B. M Carty No 126, James B. M Carty No 127 William Ayre (or Ayer or Ayers) No 244, William Ayre No 246 William Ayer No 248, Lewis D Means No 195, William D Miffs No 196 Aurthur Broadwater No 214, Henry L. Grennell No 216,:-

I am Captain
Yours &c
(Sgd) O Brown Col &
Asst Comm'r

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond July 2nd 1865

Hartsuff Maj Genl.
Commanding Dist of Nottaway
Petersburg Va.

I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of my telegram to Genl Howard, and his reply thereto.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Commr

Official J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond July 3rd 1865

Woodbury Prof: W. H.

Dear Sir
Col: O. Brown Asst: Comr. &c &c directs me to Say that he thinks it desirable that a delegate from each of the Freedmens Societies Should come to Richmond at an early day to arrange their plans for Schools the coming Winter. He Suggests that you confer at once with all of these Societies including of course, The Friends, and fix upon a time for them to meet, - as early as the 20th Inst if possible. You must of course be present.
Yours Respectfully
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl


(89 Telegram) 
Richmond Va July 3rd 1865

Felt Capt W.N.
Com: Sub:
Norfolk Va

I made a mistake in the date of your two orders in my telegram of this morning — you had better telegraph the War Department your willingness to remain in the Service of this Bureau, refer them to Special orders 288. & 332.
(Sgd) O Brown Col &
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(90 Telegram)
Richmond Va July 3rd 1865

Felt Capt W.N.
Com: Sub:
Norfolk Va.

The order assigning you to duty in this Bureau being of later date than the order for your muster out, you will not obey the latter order until you can hear from Washington.
(Sgd) O Brown Col &
Asst Commr

J.A. Bates
A.A.A Genl

Richmond Va July 3rd 1865

Alvord  To Capt: Henry. E.
Supt: R.F.& A.L.

Yours of the 1st Inst received. You will - without delay obtain the authorization from the Qr Masters and Comr'y - Departments for holding the necessary property - As Soon as you get this authorization you will be allowed to employ a certain number of civilians, if detailed men cannot be procured for the purpose.
By order of
O. Brown Col &
Asst. Commr:

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va. July 3rd 1865

Alvord To Henry E. Capt and 
Supt Bureau R.F.& A L.

Yours of July 1st regarding boundaries, name of District &c &c is recd, at this office, it is better to Send all Communications to and through this office, in regard to the bounds - of your district. there can be no mistake, as the State of Virginia is assigned to these Head Quarters. If the Comm'r wishes to change this assignment

Transcription Notes:
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