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honor to inform you that "Lands" that have been abandoned, and are now reoccupied by their former owners, will not be taken by the officers of the Bureau unless set apart for that purpose by the Commissioner.
No "Lands" held by the Bureau will be given up without competent orders. If more lands are required within your District than are now held as "confiscated" or "abandoned", you will make application to have those Set apart, which belong to persons that have not taken the amnesty oath, and are not within its provisions.
By order of
Col O. Brown
Asst. Commr (Sgd) P.S. Evans A.A.A.G
J.A. Bates

(126) Richmond VA July 10th 1865
Merrell Lt H.S.
Supt R.F. and A L

You will please ascertain if there have been any Intelligence offices for the employment of Colored Servants opened in this city without the authority of this Bureau, and report the character of the contracts which may been made togather with any other facts which properly come under the cognizance of this Bureau. 
                                                            By order of                                                 Col. O. Brown                                               Asst Comr
(Sgd), P.S. Evans A.A.A.G
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(127) (Telegram) Richmond July 11th 1865
Flagg Capt. A.S.
Supt Freedmen &c
Fort Monroe Va
I learn from Lieut Keatly that the Treasury Agent has turned over to him all the Abandoned and Confiscated property in the Cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. This is contrary to the law of Congress. and the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. You are only to require or demand Such as are necessary for the use of the Bureau, be sure and take enough and take first property that has been confiscated. If there is not enough of this, take the abandoned. 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst. Comr
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl
(128) Richmond Va July 10th 1865
Brown Major H.W.
Commanding 1st U.S.C.C.
Will you have the kindness, both as a favor to the Soldiers and to this Bureau, to have the blanks in the accompanying register filled and forwarded to this office as soon as possible.
Respectfully your &c
(Sgd) O.Brown
Col & Asst. Comr
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(129) Richmond Va July 10th 1865
Alvord Capt: H.E.
Supt: Refugees &c
Yours of July 8th is received. In relation to the employment of Mr Silvey and Mr Travense, I recommend that you employ them, paying them not more than $100, One Hundred Dollars each per month. I will find means for their payment. An endorsement in relation to Mr Silvey was Sent Some days ago
I am Captain Yours & C
(Sgo) O. Brown
Col & Asst. Comr
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(130)Richmond July 11th 1865
Smith Col  Ed W. 
Asst. Adj Genl
Head Qrs Dept Va
I have the honor to request that Surgeon J.J. DeLamater U.S.V. be assigned to duty in this Bureau. 
Very Respfy Your Obt. Servt. 
(Sgd) O.Brown Col &
Asst. Commr. Bureau RF & AL
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(131)Richmond July 11th 1865
Flagg Capt A.S. A.Q.M. Supt Bureau of RF & AL
I have the honor to inform you that transportation will be furnish the Cold women and children, Now at Richmond, on the first afailable transport, from any Norther Port to Texas. You will please have those who desire to go ready. that there may be no needless delay - Gen Ludlow has a list of names. It is thought that perhaps. Some from Norfolk, (over)

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