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Richardson 9 years of age, whom he refuses to give up to the mother. I respectfully request that you investigate the case and if the boy is unwilling to Stay or is unkindly treated, that you take measures to restore him to his mother. Please return this paper with your action endorsed there on
Very Respectfully &c &c
By order of Col: O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans a.a.a.g
J.A. Bates

Richmond Va July 13th 1865
Barnes Capt Stuart A.Q.M.
Supt R.F & A.L.
I have the honor to call your attention to the following statement made at this office. Thomas O Taylor lately of Saulsbury, Pawhatan C. House, Chesterfield Co emancipated his Slaves by will and left to them in his will certain monies and Properties which the executors or heirs at law have refused to pay. Theodore Maim and Thomas Bragston (Cold) are two of parties agreed, and make the Complaint. Please return this paper with your action endorsed thereon to these Head Quarters
Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P S Evans a.a.a.g
J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond July 13th 1865
Balloch Lieut: Col: George W.
Chief C.S. &c.&c. Bureau Refugees &c
Your communication of the 10th inst: in relation to Recruting fund &c is received - as this fund is a kind of Elephant, will you oblige me by forwarding an order Signed by the Commissioner to turn it over to you, The entire fund $84,210.91, Eighty four thousand, Two hundred and ten 91/100 Dollars with accrued interest is invested in 7-30 Bonds and is deposited in the First National Bank of this City. There is also a register Showing from what Source the funds were received. will it not be necessary for you to Send a messenger for this Property, or will you have it Sent by Adams Express Company?

The Commissioner in an endorsement of an application "to have the retained Bounty refunded" directed that I Should use my Judgement in the matter; Believing that the Colored Soldier or his family was entitled to the full benefit of his bounty, I proposed to ascertain who among them had families supported by the Government, and those that were without families thus supported. I believed it would be right to use the fund retained from the former Class, for legitimate purposes of the Bureau; that belonging to the latter Class. I proposed to deposit to their credit in the National Freedmens Trust Institution. With this view I wrote to the Commanders
of the Regiments in which the men were Serving (as in most Cases it was known) to ascertain to which class the men belonged. As soon as replies are recieved I will forward them to you.

In addition to this Fund. I have a deposit in the National Bank at Norfolk $1.763 7/100 Seventeen hundred and Sixty three dollars & 7/100, the cash on hand in the transfer of the old Department of Negro Affairs of Va. and N.C.

If you approve, this fund will be convenient, subject to my orders for incidental expenditures within the Department. we shall undoubtedly unearth more of the Greenbacks as we get "Negro Affairs" into the hands of the Bureau.

I am Colonel Yours & c
(Sgd) O, Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

Richmond Va July 13th 1865

Turner May: Genl:
Richmond Va


I beg leave to call your attention to the accompanying report of Bvt: May: Miller upon the condition of the Govt Barracks in the neighborhood of this City. I would respectfully represent that many Sections of the City in which the Negroes are congregated are over crowded and owing to the high rents, they are unable to obtain other quarters. If the whites can be removed from Chimborazo Hospital to the alms house (which will contain them all) and the unoccupied portion of Jackson Hospital be turned over to this Bureau, with the Hospital property (formerly belonging to the Confederate Government) Contained therein, all of the Freedmen can be accommodated - The Govt Can collect such rents as they are able to pay, and hundreds that are now drawing rations, on account of the high rents paid by them, would become Self Supporting.

I am General
Very Respfy Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) O, Brown
Asst Commissioner

J. A. Bates
A.A.A Genl

Richmond Va July 13th 1865
Brownell 1st Lieut Elias L.
9th Vt Vals Richmond va


In reply to your letter of the 11th Inst I am directed to Say that under existing orders Regts are to be mustered out as organizations 
If you remain in the Service, and would like the position he will approve your application for assignment to duty in this Bureau.

Transcription Notes:
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