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(177) Richmond, Va. July 19th 1865

White, Saml E.
Liberty, Bedford County, Va.
I have the honor to inform you that application for the restoration of your plantation has received due consideration. The officer of the Bureau to whom the matter was referred, reports that this farm is leased to colored persons, or cultivated by the Government, and cannot be given up this year without very severe loss to the U.S. Govt, He further reports that the mill referred to was destroyed during the seige of Yorktown - Another has been erected and its site by a colored man, to which; of course, Mr. M can have no claim, & furthermore that you left Yorktown in April 1862, & have since resided in the lines of the enemy, till after the evacuation of Richmond.
Under these circumstances you cannot be put in possession of your plantation.
Very Respectfully your Obt Sevt
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans. A.A.A.G.

J. A. Bates 

(178) Richmond, Va. July 19th, 1865.

Flagg Capt A.S. — A.Q.M.
Supt R.F. & A.L.
Col O. Brown directs me to say that you will not give up lands without authority from these Head Quarters.
Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans

J. A. Bates

(179) Richmond, Va. July 19th 1865

Eaton  John, Sr. Col
Ass. Commissioner
Dist of Columbia
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 17th inst. in reply I beg leave to say I do not think letters are intercepted by white persons — the trouble is these letters are badly directed, I must beg that you will request them to send their letters (over)


in the care of the Local Supts. As 1st, I cannot make my office a General P.O. for the State. 2nd As they often send, or claim to send money, I have not the time to give the matter the attention it requires.— Lieut H. S. Merrell is the Supt for Richmond.—
Very Respectfully Your Obt Sevt.
(Sgd) O. Brown, Col & Asst Com'r

J. A. Bates

(180) Richmond, Va. July 19th 1865

Crandon  Capt T.F.P.
Supt. &c.
Mike Dabney and Robert Sedon, came, stating that they have been living with & working for Mrs Mavin Hopan — Widow — their former mistress, in Goochland County. They have remained with her since the evacuation of Richmond, on her promise to pay what others were paying, and have worked until last Saturday.— They have hitherto received no pay, but their subsistence.—
Last Saturday she told them she would pay $5.00 a month to the men hands, nothing to the women and children, when she had threshed her wheat. If they were not satisfied with this proposition they must leave and she should pay them nothing for what they had done.
Col Brown directs that you look into this case, and see that justice is done.
Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt.
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans, A.A.A.G.

J. A. Bates

(181) Richmond, Va. July 19th 1865.

Flagg  Capt A.S. A.Q.M.
Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
I am directed by Col Brown to say that if the reservation at the time of the sale of confiscated lands was only that the Tenant should remain the balance of this year, the purchaser having paid for the property, is entitled to the income from it, unless some arrangement was made to the contrary at the time of sale.
Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt.
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans, A.A.A.G.

J. A. Bates

Transcription Notes:
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