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By order of
Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va July 27th 1865

Alvord  Capt H.E.
Supt R F & A L. 5th Dist
Captain, The endorsement on your Communication of July 20th referring to the action of the civil Courts. is So far amended as to read "cases arising under Circular, No 5. Par VII war Dept Bureau of R.F. &. A.L. Washington 30th May 1865," instead of cases arising under Genl order No 2 &c &c as it now reads-
Very Respectfully &c &c
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A. Bates
A A A Genl

(237) Telegram)
Richmond Va. July 27th 1865

Rosekrans Capt J.A.
Com: Sub:
Petersburg Va.
I approve a leave of absence for eight (8) days
(Sgd) O.Brown
Col. & Asst. Com'r

James A. Bates
A.A.A Genl

(238) Telegram)
Richmond July 27th 1865

Barnes  Capt: Stuart A.Q.M.
Supt &c &c
Petersburg Va.
Have the contracts made with Mr. Garrett in proper form
By order of
Col O Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond July 27th 1865

Barnes  Capt Stuart A.Q.M.
Supt. R.F. & A.L. 2nd Dist
I have the honor to call your attention to the following Statement - Anne Johnson of this city has a daughter Lydia living with her child- as a Servant to Mr. Horner at Pawhaton C.H. Lydia has had no pay and is badly treated. Please direct the Asst


Sup't. to enquire into this case. and if the facts are as Stated collect just wages for the Services of this woman. Since the 3rd of April,- and assist her in coming to this city to Join her mother.
Very Respectfully &c &c
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond July 27th 1865

Crandon  Capt T.F.P. Crandon A.Q.M.
Supt R.F. & A.L. 4th Dist
I have the honor to call your attention to the following Statement.  Robert Scadon Says he has been living with and faithfully working for Polly Hobson on the Snowden Plantation in Goochland Co. Since the Surrender of Genl Lee.- after having promised to pay him fair wages, she has discharged him and refuses to pay anything and says there is not a Yankee living who can make her Please instruct your Asst: Superintendent to look this matter up. and collect this just. debt for Scadon
Very Respectfully
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(241) Telegram;
Richmond Va. July 27th 1865

Lt. & A.A.A.G.
Norfolk Va.
Col: Brown directs me to Say he would recommend the approval of issue of Rations to the families of Col'd Soldiers when such families are destitute,
Very Respy
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va. July 28th 1865

Lacey  Capt: R.S. A.Q.M.
Supt. R.F. & A.L. 7th Dist
I have the honor to State that Sam Osborne Col'd
went north leaving his wife and child in Danville Va. He has a good Situation and will forward money for their transportation to Waterville Me. where he now resides Please instruct your Asst. Supt. to ascertain the whereabouts of this woman (Mary Osborne) and her child- and report at once to these Head Quarters,

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 09:27:48 Correction of minor punctuation and spelling mistakes ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 09:04:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 17:42:02