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(340)  Telegram Richmond Va Aug 9th 1865

Lacey Capt. R.S. A.Q.M
Supt. R F & A L
Lynchburg Va.

Officers of this Bureau have no authority to take possession of other than confiscated and abandoned property with such other property as may be turned over to them. by other government officers. Military - Necessity must be endorsed by a military order.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst. Com'r

James A Bates

(341)  Richmond Va. Aug 9th 1865

Loomis  Col J S. Special Treas'y Agt

I would respectfully submit whether the Treasury Dept. has authority to Seize any property which was used or was intended to be used for carrying on war against the "United States" and whether Barracks and Iron Etc does not come under this classification. I would respectfully refer you to act approved March 12th 1863.
You Obt. Servt:
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(342)  Richmond Va. Aug 9th 1865

Smith  Col; Ed; W.
Ass't. Adj't. Gen'l.

I beg leave to call your attention to the fact, that it is impossible to perform the duties pertaining this Bureau within the Department of Virginia for want of officers and men; applications have been repeatedly made to the different District, and Post Commanders, but in nearly all cases, except in the Districts of Henrico, Nottaway, and within Genl Devins command Such applications have been refused. The reason given for Such refusal has been "the want of Sufficient officers and men to perform Such duties as are purely military" I would respectfully Suggest that if officers and men could be allowed to report to the Bureau for Duty it would releive the Military of many of the duties that they now perform
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt:
(Sgd) O. Brown Col and
Asst: Com'r

James A Bates

(343)  Richmond Va Aug 9th 1865

Barnes  Capt: Stuart A.Q.M
Supt Freedmens Bureau
Petersburg Va

You will order your Subordinates to discontinue the Seizure of confederate Tobacco
Yours Respectfully,
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(344)  Richmond Va. August 9th 1865

Barnes  Capt: Stuart A.Q.M
Supt Freedmens Bureau
Petersburg Va.

Col Loomis informs me that Capt Danforth has a lot of Tobacco claimed by the Treasury Department. You will order Capt. D. to give up this Tobacco to the authorized agents of the Treasury Department- taking therefor- necessary receipts- Col Loomis claims that this Tobacco was in possession of the Treasury Department at the times of its seizure by Capt D.
Yours Respectfully,
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(345)  Richmond August 9th 1865

Crandon Capt T.F.P. Crandon A.Q.M.

Information has reached this office that the Freedmen working on the Va. Central R. Road. Stopped work on August the 1st on account of not having been paid. They could not ascertain what they were to be paid. and when settled with they were paid a mere pittance. These men worked at Noells Turnout - Benj. F. Johns. a Section Master notified the people, that if they employed the colored men, thus discharged, to cut wood, the wood would not be used on the Road. You can communicate with Mr W. Thomas at Noells Turnout- Please ascertain whether there is any disposition on the part of the inhabitants of any section in your District to combine against the Freedmen, refusing to employ them at fair wages, and thus practically nullifying the Proclamation of Emancipation,
Very respectfully &c &c
By order of Col O Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans 

James A. Bates

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