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(346)  Richmond Va. August 9th 1856 [[1865]]

Lacey  Capt. R.S. A.Q.M
Supt. R.F. & A.L. 7th Dist:

I have the honor to inquire whether you furnished transportation to those fourteen (14) persons whose names are found on your list of of August 5th. You will hereafter Strictly comply with Genl Order No 8 from this office, 
Very respectfully &c &c
By Order of Col. O Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates

(347)  Richmond Va. August 9th 1965

Ferree  Chaplain J.J.,
Act'g. Sup't. &c 5th Dist

The Report of lands in your Dist. was received this morning- I find it incomplete and return it, for completion you will please send a description of all the lands in your Dist, named in the list sent Genl Howard as soon as possible. Several weeks having elapsed since this Report was first called for, Each description will have the docket number attached, as for list above mentioned - This list was sent to Genl Howard, but as a fuller description was desired. Capt Alvord was instructed to call at the Hd, Qr's of the Bureau in Washington, and procure the list of land named, and investigate and report the condition of these lands- (As per letter dated 24th June from these Hd. Qrs) This is the report we are now waiting for-
The list should be at your office. if not you can procure one from Genl Howard.
Your respfy &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col. & Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(348)  Telegram Richmond Va. Aug 9th 1865

Lacey  Capt. R S. A.Q.M
Supt. &c &c

You will send no more Freedmen to Richmond- A Genl order has been sent from the office (No 8) lay which you will in future be guided,
Very respectfully &c &c
By Order of Col. O.Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates


(349)  Richmond Va. Aug 9th 1865

Flagg  To Capt A.S. A.Q.M
Supt. R.F. & A.L. 1st Dist

You will please call the attention of your Asst Supts to such parts of circular No 11 War Dep't. Bureau R.F. & A.L. dated Washington July 12th 1865. As regulates the employment and compensation of the Freedmen.
Very respectfully &c &c
By Order of Col. O Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A Bates

(350)  Richmond August 9th 1865

Eaton Sr John Col & Asst Com'r

I have the honor to inform you that Capt Bohannon has been detailed from Head Qrs Dept of Va. for duty in this Bureau, and will be assigned to duty as Ass't. Sup't. at Fredericksburg- 
Very respectfully 
Your Obt: Servant
(Sgd) O.Brown
Col & Asst. Com'r

James A Bates

(351) Telegram)  Richmond Va. August 10th 1865

Crandon Capt T.F.P.
Supt: &c &c

Capt, Report enlisted men as well as officers on detailed duty and date and source of detail-send at once- 
By Order of 
Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A. Bates

(352) Telegram)  Richmond Va. Aug 10th 1865

Flagg  Capt A.S. A.Q.M
Supt. &c Fort Monroe

Said Reports- The Report called for in Letter of Instruction Aug 2nd is needed at once,
By Order of 
Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans

James A. Bates

Transcription Notes:
Date associated with entry 346 is clearly incorrect, corrected date in [[]] as one might a misspelling. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 16:56:10