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(376) Richmond V.a. Aug 14th 1865
Barnes Capt. Stuart A.Q.M.
Supt R.F.& A.L. 2nd Dist

I would respectfully enquire if the Huguenot Springs is not abandoned property, and if there is not some wood in that neighborhood left for the use of the Hospitals that belonged to the Confederate Govt.
Very respectfully &c
By order of Col: O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans A.A.A.G
James A. Bates

(377) Richmond V.a. Aug 14th 1865
Smith T.H. Esqr

Your communication of the 12th Inst. has this day been referred  to Capt A.S. Flagg, A.Q.M. &c &c Fort Monroe, who has been instructed to make a Settlement with you. 
Very respectfully &c &c
By order of Col: O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans A.A.A.G
James A. Bates

(378) Richmond Va Aug 14th 1865
Marsh Lieut. Col: JOhn F. 
Supt: 5th Dist Va. Bureau RF & AL

You are directed by Col Brown to make requisition on the U.S. Marshall for the lands confiscated within your District. A list of those lands has been furnished your office wiiht a request for a more complete description than that on the U.S. Marshall's Books. This has, in part, been complied with, the rest of the lands Should be examined, at once. Col Brown recommends that you make requisition for all the lands in possession of the Marshall, that have been confiscated. 

Very respectfully 
(Sgd) R.M. Manly 
Chaplain & Asst Supt Schools
for Col O Brown Asst.Comr
James A. Bates

(379) Richmond August 14th 1865
Marsh Lt: Col J.F. 
Supt. &c 5th Dist

I SEnd by mail to you this day about 230 Sheets of census blanks - They are intended to be folded in the centre, and made into books of Ten Sheets each - fastened together with thread - In this form they will be very convenient for the census takers - (over) 

Very respectfully yours &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Comr
James A. Bates

(380) Telegram Richmond Va August 15th 1865
Flagg Capt A.S. A.Q.M. 
Supt &c &c Fort Monroe 

No transportation can be furnished at present- 
By order of Col: O. Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans
James A. Bates

(381) Telegram Richmond Va August 15th 1865
Merrell Lt. H.S. Supt &c &c 3d Dist
You will at once report what property you found in Lee Barracks
Respectfully &c By order of Col: O.Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans a.a.a.G
James A. Bates

(382) Richmond Va August 15th 1865
Carter Capt B.C. A.Q.M. Supt R.F. & A L. 8th Dist
I am directed to inform you that you must depend upon detailed officers and men to manage the affairs of your District, There are no funds in the Bureau for the employment of civilians
Very Respectfully &c By order of Col: O.Brown
(Sgd) P.S. Evans a.a.a.G
James A. Bates

(383) Telegram Richmond Va August 15th 1865
Hartsuff Maj:Genl: G.L. Petersburg Va
I am informed at Hd Qrs "Maj Hicks will receive his order when the command has been turned over the Genl Hartsuffs Successor"
Respectfully &c (Sgd) O,Brown Col and Asst:Comr
James A. Bates

Transcription Notes:
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