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(409) Telegram) Richmond august 20th 1865
Barnes Capt Stuart A.Q.M. Supt Freedmens Bureau Petersburg Va

It is reported that the planters are driving the Freedment from their homes in Powhatan County. if this is so have it stopped at once.
(Sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates a.a.a.Genl

(410) Richmond august 20th 1865
Keatley Lt John H Asst Supt &c Norfolk Va 
I have the honor to request that you will send to this office at once a report of the use made of the property of Abram F. Leonard at Norfolk Va under control of the Bureau
Yours &c (Sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates a.a.a.Genl

(411) Richmond august 21st 1865
Ferree Chapn I.I. Ac'g Supt &c 5th Dist
The Asst Commr desires that you employ Mr Silvey in the City of Alexandria at a Salary of one hundred Doll's, a month, if you have any place for him -
Very respectfully &c &c By order of Col: O.,Brown 
(sgd) P.S.Evans a,a,a,G
Official James A Bates a.a.a.Genl

(412) Richmond august 21st 1865
Smith Col Ed. W. a.a.genl Dept Va
I have the honor to request that the following named officer be relieved from duty in this Bureau, viz,
Capt E.A. Brown C.S.
Very Respty yours &c (sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates aaaGenl

(413) Telegram) Richmond august 22nd 1865
Curtis Maj Genl Lynchburg Va

Please inform me wheather the action of the city council of Lynchburg contemplates the removal of the negroes from the city of Lynchburg except those who have lived in the city one year
(sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates aaaGenl

(414) Telegram) Richmond august 22nd 1865
Miles Maj Genl Fort Monroe Va
Will you please name Some office to adjudicate cases arising between Negroes or between whites and negroes for the Peninsular District.
(sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates a,a,a,Genl

(415) Telegram) Richmond august 22nd 1865
Mann Bvt Brig Genl Norfolk Va
Would you like service in the Bureau in Richmond.
(sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates a,a,a,Genl

(416) Richmond august 22nd 1865
Keatley Lieut Freedmans Bureau
I learn that Maj Lucas had the promise from Mr Hudson, Treasury Agent, that he might continue the occupancy of tehe House, now occupied by him, while Settling up his business with the government; As Maj L. no doubt made his arrangements in view of this promise. I think good faith on the part of the government demands that the contract made by Mr Hudson Should be carried out by his successor provided no loss results to the Government thereby. Trusting you will see this matter in the Same light.
yours &c (Sgd) O.Brown Col and Asst Comr
Official James A Bates a.a.a.Genl

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 11:23:27