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Respectfully &c 
By Command of Col: O. Brown
(Sgd) Charles H Coxe 
Capt & AAAG

James A Bates 

(493) Telegram)  Richmond Va.  Sept 4th 1865

Carter Capt B.C. A.Q.M.
Supt Freemens Bureau
Christiansburg Va.

You are not to give transportation in any case-
Make a written application to these Head Quarters for transportation of every description that you may require.
(Sgd) O. Brown.
Col and Asst. Com'r

James A. Bates

(494)  Richmond  Sept 4th 1865
Wilder Capt C.B.
A.Q.M. and Supt &c

I have the honor to acknowledge receipts of your Communication of the 1st inst. asking for a Supply of Rules and Orders Stationary &c - I have sent to Washington for copies of the rules and order, &c- when received, the desired number will be forwarded to you,- The Stationery will be sent as soon as it can be procured by the Bureau-
Respectfully &c
By Command of
Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G

James A. Bates

(495) Richmond  Sept. 5th 1865

Ferree  Chaplain J.J.
Supt &c 5th District

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ult. and hope the enclosed order will relieve the District of the many embarrassments under which it has labored- You will at once apply to your District Commander for a detail of Such officers and men as you require to perform the duties of the Bureau in your District; If the application fails forward it at once to these Head Quarters
The order to take possession of the lands Set apart for the Bureau-and to make the report called for, must be obeyed at once - The lateness of the Season will not admit of any delay- Keep me constantly advised of the progress you make, and do not, I beg, allow the 5th District to be the last to be organized- No matter if the officers of the Bureau do excite Surprise among the


natives. I trust they will be more surprised before we are through with them
Respectfully &c
By Command of Col. O.Brown Asst Com'r
(Sgd) C. H. Coxe A.A.A.G

James A. Bates

(496) Telegram)  Richmond  Sept 5th 1865

Fitts  Capt Com: Sub:
Care of Chaplain Ferree
Freedmens Bureau. 
Alexandria Va.

Will you like to take the charge as Superintendent of that part of the 5th District not included in Loudon and Fairfax Counties, -answer,
(Sgd) O.Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

James A. Bates

(497) Telegram)  Richmond  Sept 5th 1865

Flagg Capt A.S. 
A.Q.M. and Supt &c 
Fort Monroe Va.

Have you found a good Desk for me that can be Spared
(Sgd) O.Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

James A. Bates

(498)  Richmond  Sept 5th 1865

Smith  Col Ed W. 
A. Adjt: Genl: Dept Va. 

I have the honor to request the detail for duty in this Bureau, with orders to report to Lt. H.S. Merrell Supt 3rd Dist at Richmond Va, the following enlisted man - viz: - Private Charles W. Beidel  C'ny. B. 2d Penn. H.A.
Very respty yours &c 
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

James A. Bates

(499)  Richmond  Sept 5th 1865

Smith  Col Ed W. 
A.A Genl: Dept Va.

I have the honor to inform you that Private. Beidel of the 2nd Penn: H.A. has been on duty with Lieut: Merrell for Some time and the detachment to which he belonged has been releived from duty in this Bureau at Point of Rocks and are with their Regiment - Beidel, was here in charge of the (over)

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