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The Returns of Bureau property and Funds will be made out on Forms similar to those used by the Q.M. Dept. See revised Regulations of the Army.
In reporting money received, great Care should be used to state from whom and on what account it is received. Expenditures should be made equally plain, that is to whom and for what money is paid.
No transfer of funds to subordinates, will appear on accounts sent to this office.
If it is necessary to make such transfers, the amount will appear on your papers as cash on hand until they report what they have done with the money - then you account for it in the same manner as if expended yourself.
In the Return of Bureau property, the various kinds of Stores, &c. will be classified as well as is possible.
In making Returns of Quartermasters property C.C. and G.E. and Q.M. Funds, copies of abstracts and vouchers will be forwarded &c. also account Current of Quartermasters cash with copies of abstracts and vouchers.
All the above Reports and Returns will be forwarded to this office previous to the 10th day of the month for the preceding month, with the exception of the Roster of Officers and men, which is called for by the 5th of each month.
Estimates of Stores &c required Quarterly (see Special Order No.11) must be made by the 15th of the month prior to the commencement of the quarter estimates for Quartermaster Stores, Clothing, Provisions, Medicine, &c must be estimated for seperately, and conform, as far as possible, with the forms in the Revised Army Regulations.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(sigd) C.H. Coxe

James A Bates

(540)   Richmond Va.   9th Sept 1865

Mallory Mrs M.F.

Your papers were returned to Captain Flagg the 26th of August with this endorsement.
"Respectfully returned to Captain A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. & Supt. &c, who is instructed to allow such possession as will be consistent with Circular No. 3. The question of rent will be determine hereafter."


Very Respectfully &c
By Command of
Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comm'r
(sigd) C.H. Coxe Capt & A.A.A.G.

James A Bates

(541)   Richmond Va.   10th Sept 1865

Flagg  Captain A.S.
A.Q.M. & Supt &c

Superintendents of this Bureau will notify all applicants for restoration of property that their applications must be accompanied by the copy of their oath, under the Proclamation of President Johnson, dated 29th May 1865 and by evidence that they are not included in the exceptions under said proclamation.
You are also instructed [[strikethrough]]that the Circular[[/strikethrough]] that the  Circular from the War Department, Bureau R.F. and A.L. dated 24th August, was intended to apply to the taking of Stocks, bonds and other articles of personal estate which could be owned merely as a means of revenue.
By command of
Col. O. Brown. Asst. Com'r
(Sigd) C.H. Coxe

James A Bates
(Copy sent to each Superintendent)

(542)   Richmond Va,   10th Septem 1865

Barnes Captain Stuart
A.Q.M. &c
Petersburg Va.

I enclose your Return of Bureau property, for the Abstracts and Vouchers that should accompany it. My communication dated Septem 2d request that such Returns be made to conform, as nearly as possible, with the forms used by the Q.M. Dept.
I also return your Cash A/C, I do not wish an advance of private funds to show in the Accounts.
I enclose a Circular in regard to all reports required and hope there will be no more difficulty in making them out.
I also send form of report for officers and enlisted men on duty in the Bureau.
Respectfully Yours, &c.

Transcription Notes:
11.02.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-06 22:43:07