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Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servant
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lieut Col, Inspr Genl

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond, Va,  Septem 23rd, 1865

Bohonon  Captain
Supt 10th Dist.

In pursuance of instructions received from Washington, Any steps you may have taken with a view of gaining possession of the property belonging to H. J. Tibbles, situated in Prince William County, will be discontinued.-
Very Respectfully:
Your Obt Servant
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Inspr Genl

Garrick Mallery

Richmond, Va.  September 24th 1865

Crandon Captain T.F.P.
A.Q.M. and Supt &c.

In reply to your Telegram of 22nd stating that you have forwarded all your reports, I have respectfully to inform you that the following reports for August have not been received. Viz:
Report of Q.M. Funds, &c.
Report of C.C. and G.E. &c.
Report of Q.M. Property, &c.
Report of Civilians employed
Report of Schools
Report of Bureau Property, &c.
Report C.C. and G.E. &c.
Report of Refugees, &c. to whom rations have been issued. 
This latter report you promise to make out on the forms furnished ~ Please state definitely which of the above reports I may expect ~ and also those of which there is no report to make ~
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lt. Col, Insptr Genl

Garrick Mallery


Richmond, Va, Septem 25th 1865

James Col W. L.
Chief Q.M. Dept of Va,

I have the honor to request transportation from Richmond to Halifax C.Ho. for Mary Williams and Henry Williams, now depending on the Government but will be able to take care of themselves in their home in Halifax. ~
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Act. Asst. Comm'r

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond, Va,  Sept 25th 1865

Flagg Captain A.S.
A.Q.W. and Supt. &c.

Enclosed I return you No. 2. for July for correction - you will find an error in the tenth sheet of one dollar ~ please correct and return immediately ~ 
I send per mail 50 Blank forms of Land Reports and 50 of Freedmen in Camps - 
Please acknowledge receipt of forms. ~
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lt Col & Inspr Genl

Garrick Mallery

Richmond, Va,  Septem 26th 1865

James  Col W.L.
Chf Q.M. Dept. Va. 

I have the honor to request that transportation may be furnished for Chaplain R.M. Manley, Asst Supt of Schools for the State, to Petersburg Va, and return ~ and would further request that the transportation may be forwarded to the office to day if possible ~
(Sigd) H. B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Act. Asst. Comm'r
in absence of Col O. Brown

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 19:09:35 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 21:35:15