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Richmond Va Oct. 12th 65 

General.  Asst Adjt. 
Petersburg Va 

Please inform me if private Sorbell can be spared from your office to be detailed for duty in the Bureau
Sigd  O Brown 
Col. and Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct 12th 65 

Wilder Captain C.B. 
A Q.M. Supt &c 

Your communication of 9th inst was duly received. The Asst Comr desires one to inform you that he has no authority to give the standing order for transportation requested 
Enclosed please find order for transportation No. 25. for Mary Savage and effects. from Fort Monroe Va. to West Point King William Co. Va. as requested in yours of 9th inst. 
Please acknowledge reciept 
Respectfully Yours
Sigd  James. A. Bates 
Capt. and A.A.A.G. 

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct. 13th 65

Wilder Captain C.B. 
A.Q.M. Supt. &c 
I have the honor to enclose the following orders, which with those you have. will complete all relating to your District viz. 
Special order No. 15. July 4th 
General order No. 3. July 17th 
General order No. 8. Aug 7th 
General order No. 19. Sept. 16th 

Respectfully yours 
Sigd  James A. Bates  
Capt & AAAG 

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va.  Oct 13th 65 

Wilder Captain C.B. 
A Q.M. Supt &c 

I would call your attention to a letter from these H.Q. dated Sept. 16th requesting you to investigate and report in the case of Callie Jackson who complains of John Taylor at Wakefield King William Co. her former owner. he promised to feed and clothe her, and her three children till christmass. with no provocation he beat her very severely, and drove her and her little


ones away. paid her nothing. and threatening to shoot her if she returned. To which letter no answer has been received at these Head Quarters
ery respectfully Yr. obt. Servt
By order of Col. O Brown Asst Comr 
(Sigd) James A Bates 
Capt and AAAG. 

Garrick Mallery AAAG

802 Telegram 
Richmond Va. Oct 13. 1865

Flagg Capt A.S. 
A Q M. Supt. &c. 
Freedmens Bureau Norfolk Va.
Report to these Head Quarters in person tomorrow.
O Brown 
Col. Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery

803 Telegram 
Richmond Va. Oct 13. 1865

Alvord Captain Henry E. 
Act. Supt Freedmen 
Alexandria Va.

Reports received today will be returned to night with letter
O Brown 
Col. and Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va.  Oct 13. 1865

Barnes Capt Stuart Barnes. A Q M 
Supt. Bureau R.F. & A L.

I gave the agent of the Atlantic Coast mail Steamship Company permission to store their freight in a vacant building on this wharf at City point until they could make other arrangements. This permission was given on account of their giving free transportation to teachers of freedmen, freight &c for Bureau You will not however allow this to interfere with your renting the premesis or to result to the injury of the Govt in any manner whatever

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Sigd  O Brown
Col.Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
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