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I am Major
Yr. Obt. Servt
Sigd  James A. Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

945   Richmond Va. Oct 31 1865,

Neile  Bv't Maj Wm. U.
A.A.A.G & Act Supt 2. Dist
Your endorsement of yesterday in relation to census was duly received- In reply to your question I beg to state that you will not forward the census return until complete.
By order of Col. Brown
Respectfully Yours
Sigd   James A. Bates

Garrick Mallery

946   Richmond Va, Oct 31' 1865

Wilder  Captain C.B.
A.Q.M. Supt &c
I am directed by the Asst Comr. to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of Oct - 65, without date and in answer I am instructed to say to you that the Asst Comr does not see that more can be done by you except to carry out your own suggestions and make application to Genl Neiles for a "detailed man" which he thinks under the circumstances would be will to do.
I am Captain
Your Oct. Servant
Sigd  James A. Bates
Capt. & AAAG

Garrick Mallery

947  Richmond Va Oct 31. 1865
Simonds  Mr. Henry
Victor Ont: Co N.Y.
Your communication of 22 inst was received yesterday. In reply I have regretfully to inform you that at present we have the full number of Citizen Clerks that we can employ. Regretting my ability to assist you as desired.
I remain


Yours respectfully
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. Ass't Comr:

Garrick Mallery

948  Richmond Va. Oct 31st 1865.

Wilder  Capt C.B.
A.Q.M. Supt &c
In answer to the application for the restoration of E.W. Hudgins for the restoration of his property now held by this Bureau as abandoned land. I have the honor to inform you that Par 3. Special orders No 84. Oct 23.65 restoring the property of E.W. Hudges he having received a special pardon from The President. Copies of order was forwarded to you on the 23. inst - 
I am Captain,
Your Obt. Servant
(Sigd) James A. Bates
Capt. & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

949 Telegram  Richmond Va. Oct 31.1865

Flagg.  Capt: A.S.  A.Q.M.
Supt: Freedmens Bureau
Norfolk Va
Your Report of Refugees and Freedmen for the month of September is called for from Washington. Send it at once by special messenger.
No further delay can be allowed under any pretext whatever - Answer
O. Brown
Col. Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

950 Richmond Va. Oct 31. 1865

Merrill  Lieut H.S.
Supt 3. Dist
Your Report of rations issued to Refugees and Freedmen for the month of September is called for from Washington.
We must have it tomorrow. No further delay can be allowed under any pretext whatever.
Respectfully Yours
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. and Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
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