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Richmond Va. Oct 31st 1865

Hudgins E.W. Esq.
Hampton Va
I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th inst and in reply to inform you that an order for the restoration of your property was issued from this office Oct. 23 1865. Copies of which were forwarded to Capt. Wilder on that day.
As regarding your personal property which is in the possession of the Bureau, the same will be restored to you on application to Capt. Wilder who is authorized to restore it.
I am sir
Very respectfully
James A. Bates
Capt. & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Oct 31, 1865

Jones, S. Esq.
I am instructed by Col. Brown to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th inst and in reply to inform you that the Supt of the 2nd Dist has been instructed to issue rations in conformity to your request.
I am sir 
Very respectfully
(sigd) James A Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Oct 31, 1865

Flagg, Capt. A. S.
Supt. Freedmens Bureau
I regret the necessity of calling your attention to the delay in the reports from your office. This has been so great as to occasion some concern from the Commissioner for my delay in making my reports to the H.Q. of the Bureau
It is not uncommon after all of the reports from other Districts have been consolidated to be delayed two and sometimes three weeks, waiting for your reports or for errors in those that are sent to be corrected.
It is impossible to reconcile your returns of rations for the month of August, with those of the Commissioner. This discrepancy should not exist and would not if the issue of rations within your District was sufficiently under your control. Hoping that hereafter there will be no


cause of complaint
I am, Very respectfully
Yr. obt. Servant
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery

955  Telegram.
Richmond Va. Nov. 1st 1865

Flagg  Capt A.S.
A.Q.M. Sup't &c
Norfolk Va
Your report of Rations for Sept is has not been received. Send another copy at once by special messenger
O. Brown
Col. Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va.  Nov. 1st 1866 [[1865?]]

Lacey  Captain R.S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c
Col. Brown directs me to inform you, that at a meeting of the Citizens of Amherst Co. Va. held at Eton Va. on the 31 day of May 1865, a series of resolutions were passed regulating the employment of Freedmen in their midst
Enclosed please find a copy of the those which the Ass't Comr directs you will thoroughly investigate and report whether any change has taken place in the feelings of the people in regards to the employment of freed labor
I am Captain
Your Obt. servant
(Sigd) James A Bates
Cap't & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

957 Telegram
Richmond Va. Nov. 1" 1865

Flagg. Capt A.S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c 
Norfolk Va
You had four hundred suits of negro clothing on hand in August. What have you done with it-Answer.
By order of Col. O Brown
Geo. Q. White
Capt and A.Q.M.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
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