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987   Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865
Received from Colonel O. Brown Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A L State of Va. The sum of thirty dollars being amount of a debt due me from a man named Parker. Forwarded to Col. Brown by Col. Eaton at my request.
(Sigd.) Chas his x mark Johnson.

James M. Wayt. 

Garrick Mallery 

988  Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865

Humphry  Mr. E.D. 
Wyoming Wyo: Co. N.Y.

Your communication dated Nov. 2 was duly received the reply I have respectfully to inform you that we have at present all the civilians that we can employ
Respectfully Yours 
Sigd.  O.Brown 
Col. Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery

989 Telegram  Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865

Wilder  Capt C.B. 
Supt Freemens Bureau 
Fort Monroe Va

Have you collected rents from the estate of Mrs McCandlish of Williamsburg for the year 1865. if so to was time? Answer.
O. Brown 
Col. Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery 

990  Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865

Flagg  Capt A.S. A.Q.M.
Supt. Freemens Bureau 
Norfolk Va.

Transportation for the Freedmen belonging to St. Marys Co. Maryland will be ready about the 14th inst. Have all in readiness when it is provided. Be sure that proper arrangements are made for their comfort on their arrival. and send none but those that belong to the County
Yours respectfully
(sigd) O. Brown 
Col. Asst. Comr

Garrick Mallery


991  Richmond Va Nov. 7th 1865

Wing  Mr. W.W 
Norfolk Va.
I have the honor to inform you in reply to your letter of the 5th inst that the Bureau cannot pay Mr Harris for the back rent claimed by him such a claim must be made in the Court of claims, or against the Quartermasters Dept if the property was on the Quartermaster papers as would seem from Mr. Harris' statement.
Very respectfully 
Your obedient servant 
Sigd. O. Brown 
Col. Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery

992  Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865

Merrill  Lieut C.S. 
Supt &c.

I am in possession of an order from you relieving the Guard at Howard Grove Hospital has been decided to be a General Hospital.
If no other reason exists you will allow the Guard to remain until arrangement can be made to return it by another Guard. If you have orders from Military authority to return these men you will notify the chief medical officer of the Bureau
Yours Respectfully
Sigd  O. Brown 
Col. Asst. Comr

Garrick Mallery

993  Richmond Va. Nov. 8th 1865

Wilder Captain C.B. A.Q.M.
Supt Freedmens Bureau 
Fort Monroe Va.

Has the personal property of Geo Booker and his mother been restored. answer.
O. Brown 
Col. Asst. Comr

Garrick Mallery

994  Richmond Va. Nov. 8th 1865

Wilder Captain C.B. 
A.Q.M. & Supt

The Asst Comr directs that you return to these Head Quarters the papers of B.F. Hudgins, Elizabeth City Co. which was sent to you Sept 1st 65 for investigation and report

Transcription Notes:
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