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1121  Telegram.
War Department
Adjutant General Office
Washington Nov 28th 1865

Terry  Major General. A.H. 
Richmond Virginia
The Officers on duty in the Freedmans Bureau and who belong to Regiments recently ordered mustered out will not be Relieved untill they can be properly replaced. Their musters out are suspended accordingly- Please acknowledge this
By order Secretary of War
(signed) Thomas M Vincent
Asst Adjt General

Official copy respectfully furnished for the information of Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c.  Washington D.C.
(Signed) Thomas M Vincent
Asst Adjt General 

Official copy Respectfully furnished for the information of Col O Brown Asst Comr
Signed Max Woodhull
A A General

Official copy Respectfully furnished for the information of District Superintendent Bureau R.F. and A.L State of Va.
By order of Col O Brown Asst Comr
Signed James A Bates
Captain & A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

1122  Richmond Va November 29th 1866

Binckley J.M. Esq.
In reply to yours of the 27th inst. I have to suggest that in the paying of the rent to the agent of the Bureau to October 2d. You have sufficient evidence that the Bureau claimed control over the property, and you for it's tenant, untill that date. From that date I think you will have to acknowledge Fisher as your landlord. The Bureau having restored Fisher his property subject to the lease held by you. The Bureau in taking possession of the property, acknowledged your rights under the lease you held from Fisher - in restoring the property. It returns it on condition that your rights under paid lease are protected
Yours Respectfully
(Signed) O Brown

Garrick Mallery


1123  Richmond Va November 29th 1865

Segar Hon Joseph
Dear Sir.
I regret that circumstances prevented my calling on you again, before leaving Fort Monroe. Matters in Richmond demanding immediate attention prevented the fulfillment of my engagement. I shall be happy to hear from you respecting affairs of the Bureau in your district, and any suggestions in regards to the management of affairs in your neighbourhood will be thankfully received. I am fully aware of the discomforts of which your citizens complain, and am of the opinion that emigration of the freedmen would be for the best good of all parties. I trust that your Legislators will among its first acts so modify the state laws, as to admit colored testimony into its court. It will then be in the power of the civil authorities to maintain good order in your Community
I am Sir
Yours Very Respectfully
(Signed) O Brown
Col and Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery

1124  Richmond Va November 30th 1865

Merrell  Lieut. H.S.
Supt 3d District
The Asst Commissioner directs that you asscertain whether Hennie Wheeler (cold) is in your district. About three (3) months ago she was living with D Lovejoy on Sand Street. She is about 22 years of age and came from Maryland.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Srv't
(Signed) James A Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

1125  Richmond Va December 1st 1866

Percy  Mr H.C.
Cashier Nat Freedmans Sav & T. Co
Norfolk Va
Enclosed please find order for transportation No. 137. as requested by you in yours of 28 inst.
Please acknowledge receipt
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Signed) James A Bates
Capt. and. A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery
(1 enclosure)

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-14 19:18:01