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other things at the houses of Dr. Sutton, which he wants to get away from there, but is afraid to go after them. This Statement is forwarded to you for Your investigation and Report. 
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
(Signed) James A Bates
Captain and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

1145  Richmond Va December 6th 1865

Martin. Bvt. Major.
Chief Commissary Musters Dept.
Richmond, Va.
I have the honor to inform you that the Officers, that were Requested to be Returned to Captain Crandon Supt. need not be Returned. as Officers have Reported for duty in their Stead.. 
Respectfully Yours &c
(Signed) James A Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

1146  Richmond Va. December 6th 1865

May Mr. Saml Jr
Leicester Mass.
Dear Sir.
I have the honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your letter of 2nd Inst. enclosing the Sum of $(20) Twenty dollars for Rev Peter Randolph (Cold). Enclosed Please find Mr Randolph's Receipt, for the above amount. 
Respty Yours.
(Signed) O. Brown
Coln and Asst. Comr

Garrick Mallery

1147  Richmond Va December 6th. 1865

Received from Col. O Brown Asst Com'r State of Va. the Sum of ($20.00) Twenty dollars, forwarded by Saml May Jr of Leicester Mass, being contribution of a Lady of Barnstable, for distribution to the poor of my Charges. 
Peter Randolph.

Garrick Mallery

1148  Richmonds Va. December 6th 1865

Carter  Bvt. Major
A.Q.M. and Supt.
You will please forward as early as 


possible to these Head Quarters, a corrected copy of your No 2. for November, the necessary information under the Heads of Remarks being omitted. In future, duplicate Reports on form,2, will be furnished by You.
By order of Col O Brown
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

1149  Richmond Va December 6th 1865

Crandon  Captain T. F. P. 
A.Q.M. and Supt &c
The Bearer John Moore (colored) was shot in the hand by John Allen (white). Overseer on William Wiggams farm, in North Wales. Caroline County, on Pamunkey River. You will have this case attended to immediately, and Report Your investigation to these Head Quarters. 
Respectfully Yours.
(Signed) O Brown
Col and Asst Com'r

Garrick Mallery

1150  Richmond Va Dec 6th 1866

Chenworth  Lemuel Esq.
Beverly West Va
Col'n O Brown directs me to inform you in answer to your letter of the 26th Nov 1865, to Major Genl Howard, which has been referred to him, that if you make application to these Head Quarters forwarding your credentials, and the amount of Wages you will give, Every Effort will be made to secure you the number of hands Required.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Signed) James A Bates
Capt. & A.A.A.G. 

Garrick Mallery

1151  Richmond Va 6th December 1865

Lacy Captain R. S.
A.Q.M. and Supt. &c.
Enclosed I have the honor to forward you No. 2. for the Month of November, approved
By order of Col O. Brown
Signed James A. Bates
Capt. and. A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
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