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By order of
Col. O Brown. Asst Com'r
(Signed) James A. Bates, 
Captain and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

(1 Enclosure)_

(3.V.84)  Richmond Va, January 16th 1866
DeLamater J.J.  
Surg in Chief, 
Bureau R F and A L

It having been reported to this office, that the cook house at Howard Grove Hospital, is badly managed, the rations being stolen there from thereby shortning the rations issued. The Asst. Commissioner directs that you immediately remedy, if this Cause of Complaint exists, reporting your action to these Head Qrs.
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A Bates
Captain & A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.85)  (Telegram)  Richmond Va, January 17'1866

Flagg  Captain A.S.
A.Q.M. Freemens Bureau
Norfolk Va

Assign Lieut McDaniels to Isle of Wight.
(Signed) O Brown
Col and Asst Com'r

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.86)  (Telegram)  Richmond Va, January 17'1866

Crandon  Capt. T.F.P. 
A.Q.M &c 
Gordonsville Va.

To what Post office should your mail be sent.
(Signed) James A Bates  
A.A.A.G  Bureau R.F & A.L

Garrick Mallery


(3.V.86)  Richmond Va, January 17'1866

Smith  Bvt Brig Genl. E.W 
Dept. Va

I have the honor to forward herewith "Report of Outrages" together with the letters of transmittal of the Superintendents.
Owing to the frequent changes of the Officers of the Bureau in Consequence of the Mustering out of Troops, the records of many Sub-Districts have been lost. in others no records have been kept. In many sections of the State the Provost Judges have had jurisdiction in all Criminal Cases. In these places no records have been kep by officers of the Bureau. Regretting my inability to furnish a more reliable report.
I am, General
Very respectfully 
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) O Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

Garrick Mallery

(9 Enclosures

(3.V.88)  Richmond Va, January 17'1866

Flagg  Captain A.S. A.Q.M. and Supt

In the early part of 1865, the papers of Lieut C S Henry, the former Supt of N.A on the Eastern Shore of Va were found with Lt. Col. White. Can you give me any information as to the whereabouts of the above mentioned papers? Dr Henrys reports of employees &c were with them. I wish to find out the time and amount due Mr. Jonas Bartlett Supt Saw Mill as reported on the rolls. he was employed about the middle of the year.
Yours Respectfully
Signed) O Brown 
Col and Asst Commissioner

Garrick Mallery

see EB. 1st 1866 page 70.

(3.V.89) Richmond Va, January 17'1867 [[1866]]

Commanding Officer. To the
Co C. 2nd Batt. 12th U.S.I.

Sir - 
I have the honor to request that you will forward to these Hd Quarters the descriptive list of Private Luke Connelly of your Company, doing duty at these Head Quarters

Transcription Notes:
I believe the final entry has the incorrect year - all other entries are 1866, this one is dated 1867. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-13 19:33:04 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-13 22:46:15 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 12:24:44