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(3.V.185)  Richmond Va.  Jany 30th 1866

Wilder  Capt. C.B.
A.Q.M. and Supt

I have again to call your attention to the case of Henry Davis, Colored. My last letter on this subject was written on the 19th January. The man is in Richmond waiting for an investigation into his case. You will please forward the report called for at once.-
By order of
Col. O Brown, Asst. Com'r
(Signed). James A. Bates,
Captain and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery 

√Enclosed, please find original statement of the case, dated 5th Dec 1865.

3.Vol.186 and 186 1/2 Personal, not copied,
(3.V.187)  Richmond Va  Jany 30th 1865

Crandon  Capt T.F.P~
A.Q.M & Supt &c-

You will direct Dr. Ed. Murphy, Asst. Supt, Hanover Co. to prefer charges against a man, by the name of Coulter, King William Co. for an assault upon Lewis Williams (Cold) Hanover County, with intent to kill
I am Capt
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates,
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery)

(3.V.188)  Richmond Va  January 30th 1866

Barnes,  Capt. Stuart
A.Q.M and Supt

You will please forward your report in the case of Archie Wilson (colored) refered to you for investigation dated 13th Dec. 1865
By order of 
Col. O. Brown
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

√See E.B. 1st. V.132.  Filed.  "B"

(3.V.189)  Richmond Va  January 30th 1866

Brandon  Captain. T.F.P.
A.Q.M. Supt &c



You will at once inform this office of the steps you have taken to secure to Daniel Tinsley (cold), money due him by Mr M.W Pollard near Hanover C.H for services rendered.
See my letter to you on this matter  Dec 25th 1865-
I am, Captain,
Your &c
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery 

√Recd back and filed. Endorsed  "B"

(3.V.190)  Bureau R. F and A.L.
Richmond VA. Jany 31st 1866

Murphy  Lt. E.
Supt &c-

Mr Q C Brown has been to this office, and reports a theft committed by three freedmen in Hanover County, upon the property of Silas Shelburn of Hanover County. You will have this case investigated causing the arrest of the freedmen for trial before the Freedmens Court reporting your action to this office through the regular channel. 
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.191)  Richmond Va  Jany 31st 1866

Ritz  Mr. G.M-
Washington D.C.

In reply to your letter of the 27th inst. I have the honor to state by direction of the Asst Comr that James and John Islands are not under the control of Col O Brown
I am Sir
Very Respy Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.192)  Richmond Va  Jany 31st 1866

Bradley  Henry E-
Norfolk, Va

The Assistant Commissioner directs that you report at these Head Quarters after completing your inspection-
I am Sir
Very Resply 
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G-

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
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