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(3.v.271) (Telegram) Richmond, Va. Feby 11th 1866

Johnson Major James
Fredericksburg, Va

Send at once all reports for January, not already forwarded ~
(Signed) James A. Bates     
Captain and A.A.A.G
Garrick Mallery

(3.v.272) Richmond, Va. Feby 11th 1866

Reed  Henry L. Esq. Lo - 
Cambridge Md-

The Asst Commissioner directs me to say in reply to your Communication of the 7th inst. that, if the new Bill for the Enlargement of the Bureau goes into operation, he will be happy to give you a situation, There is no opening at present 
I am Captain  
Very respty, Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.
Garrick Mallery

(3.v.273) Richmond Va Feby 11th 1866

Lacey  Capt. R. S-
A.Q.M and Supt 7th Dist. Va

The Assistant Commissioner directs me to enquire what number of freedmen could find employment in his Dist also how much pay they will receive - 
I am Captain
Very Respty, Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Captain and A.A.A.G.
Garrick Mallery

(3.v.274) (Telegram) Richmond Va. Feby 11th 1866

Wilder  Capt. C. B.
A.Q.M and C
Fort Monroe - Va -

Have you removed the Freedmen from Mr S S. Nicholas Bloomfields Estate! You were ordered to do so. Jany 27th/66 answer -
By Order
(Signed) James A. Bates
Captain & A.A.A.G
Garrick Mallery


3. V. 275 Richmond Va. Feby 12th 1866

Flagg  Capt. A. S.
A.Q.M and Supt

Captain -
I have the honor to enclose order for transportation No 72. approved - to cover request of Mr Johnston, dated Feby 7th
By order of
Col. O Brown, Asst. Com'r
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G-
Garrick Mallery
(1. Enclosure)

(3. V. 276)
Richmond Va. Feby 12th 1866

Wilder  Capt. C. B.
A.Q.M and Supt

I have the honor to enclose orders for transportation No 295, 296, 297, and 298 and No 75 (approved), to cover your request dated 8th Feby 1866 ~ Please acknowledge Receipt - 
By order of
Col. O Brown. Asst. Com'r
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G-
Garrick Mallery
(5. Enclosures)
Rec'd Back & Filed acknowledgement of Receipt by Endorsement "B"

(3. V. 277) Richmond Va. Feby 12th 1866.

How  Capt. W. S.
A.Q.M and Supt

Your attention is respectfully called to Circular No. 2. C.S. of date Jan 11th, 1866, from these Head Quarters. You are respectfully requested to comply with Said Circular at Your earliest Convenience, and hereafter forward to this Office a copy of each order and Circular as promulgated from your Office-
I am Capt-
Very Respectfully
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.
Garrick Mallery

(3. V. 278) Richmond Va. Feby 13th 1866

Barnes  Capt. Stuart.
A.Q.M &c

Major Croft has been on duty in the Bureau the past two months, under pay from the civil funds, this fund is nearly

Transcription Notes:
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