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[[2 column table]]

✓ Dabney, |306.
✓ Daniel, Mrs.|150.
✓ Daniels, |122.
✓ Davis, Harry (cold.)|223.
✓ Davis, Reuben |261.
✓ Davis, William |264.275.276
✓ Dean, Joseph |64.
✓ Deacon, A. L.|192.
✓ Deal, Joseph |209.
✓ Delaney, John T.|286.
✓ DeLamater, Sarg. J.J.|
✓ DeVaughn, Mr. John W.|212.
✓ Dillon, Wm|149.
✓ Dillard, Molly (cold.) daughter of | 361.
{ vs. Barney Murphy . | 
✓ Dixon, Corbin | 150.
✓ Dixon, Peter | 209.
✓ Douglass, Mr. B.B. | 244.
✓ Dowdy, Mr. Albert | 301.
✓ Downey, Mrs. | 159.
✓ Doyle, Ino. G Estate of | 97.
✓ Doyle | 335.
✓ Dozier, Wilson | 178. 2/198.
✓ Driggers, Nathan | 255.
✓ Drury, Albridge | 211.
✓ Drysdale, St. James | 129. 191.
✓ Dulaney, Miss | 28.
✓ Durdon, Jane | 253.

Transcription Notes:
There is a 2 over 198 that appears to be in fraction format, but I could not find any information within the Bureau Papers project instructions on how they would like a fraction represented. Hopefully 2/198 suffices.