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[[2 column table]]
✓ Eaton, Jr. Bol. Brig. Genl. J. Asst. Com + C | 18.
✓ Edlesson, Lt. H. H. | 190.365.373.
✓ Ellis, F.G. | 128.129.148.
✓ Ellison, M. | 12.
✓ Ember + others (cold.) | 266.
✓ Emmerson, Queen | 164
✓ Endicott, Jr. Wm. | 128.129.148.
✓ Erage, Custice | 219.255.
✓ Evans, Isaac | 164.247.267.
✓ Evans, Dennis | 183.183.
✓ Everett, Simon |
✓ Everett, Augustus | 284.297.
✓ "Examiner" Daily | 259.