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[[2 column table]]
|   |   |
| Holmes, Claiborne (cold.) | 18. |
| Houton, Robert | 211.
| Howchins, Mr. John | 348. 
| How, Capt. W. S., A.Q.M. | 5. 17. 20. 29. 29. 41.. 68. 69. 82. 86. 89. 108. 115. 118. 135. 158. 151. 152. 153. 158. 174. 179. 2/185. 190. 193. 197. 199. 203. 204. 223. 231. 236. 239. |
| How, Jno. P. | 118. 158. 180. |
| Howleth (Will case). | 10. |
| Howleth, Thos. (Est. of). | 58. |
| Howard, Genl. O. O. | 98. 119. 134. 153. 156. 202. 273. 332. 367. | 
| Howard, Genl. C. H. | 164. |
| Howard Grove Hospital | 311. |
| Hoye, James | 14. |
| Hubbard, J. H. | 101. 2/124. |
| Hughes, Robert | 219. 254. 2/269. |
| Hume, Thomas | 201. |
| Hunt, Lt. M. L. | 189. 321. |
| Hunter, Alexander. | 168. |
| Hunter, Judge | 168. |

| Jackson, Thos. P., Asst. Supt. | 26. 38. 199. 232. |
| Jackson, Alfred &c Jno. (cold.) | 28. |
| Jackson, James. A. | 178. |
| Jackson, Jas. (cold.)vs. Robt. F. Childress. | 330. |
| Jack, Sallie & Rosa (children). | 71. |
| James, Col. | 33. 279. |
| James, Richard | 166. 183. 184. |
| James, Edward | 211. |
| James, Willis | 247. 267. |
| James, Albert | 154. 2/269. |
| Jamis, Genl., W. L. | 343. 344. |
| Jarvis, Chas. H. | 179. 211. |
| Johnson, Maj. James, Suptc. | { 1. 23. 28. 55. 92. 112.155. 164. 167. 188. 195. 200. 233. 236. 240. 2/243. 252. 258. 276. 289. 317. 323. 339. 365. 386. |
| Johnson, Lewis | 79. 166. 2/175. |
| Johnson, Mr. | 104. 230. |
| Johnson, Flemming | 209. |
| Johnson, R. H. | 209. |
| Johnston, Mr. C. E., Asst. Supt. | 156. 163. 192. 194. 232 |
| Johnson, Mr. J. R. | 264. |
| Johnson, Mary (cold.) | 283. |
| Johnson, Robert | 286. |
| Johnson, Samuel | 304. |
| Johnston, Mr. E. C. | 243. |
| Johns, Richard | 56. 97. 101. 124. 2/125. 178. 2/198. 210. 238. |
| Jones, Solomon (cold.) | 16. |
| Jones, Jno, B. | 17. 80. |
| Jones, Mr. Curtis B. | 17. |
| Jones, Estate of | 30. |
| Jones, Frances. S. | 80. |
| Jones, Carey. S. | 174. |
| Jones, John. A. | 204. 241. 262. 300. 305. |
| Jones, Chatman | 209. 2/230. |
| Jones, Oliver | 209. |
| Jones, Hannah | 220. |