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Plate, Mr. | 244.
Pleasants, Norman | 374.
Pollard, Ino. | 72.
Polson, John | 294.297.
Pool, Marshall | 209.
"Poplar Grove Hospl | 262[[raised]]2[[/raised]].266.
Powell, Capt & Bvt. Lt. Col. J.W. | 59.191.275.
Pratt, Mr. J. Wesley | 321.
Presidents of Mil & Comr Norfolk, Va. | 202.
Pride, Mr. O.T., Asst Supt. | 232.
Prince, Dr. | 114.[[raised]]2[[/raised]]
Prossen, John | 209.
Pierci, Allen | 188.
Pieryear, W.H. | 157.

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Quarles, Ino. H.  Sergt | 70.120.174.
Quarles, Rosa | 164.166.
Quartermaster Dept. Richmond, Va., | 2.