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(4.V.738.)  Richmond Va. May 9th 1866.

Barnes Capt Stuart 
A.Q.M. & Superintendent
The Assistant Commissioner directs, that you will furnish this office information of any steps that have been taken by this Civil Authorities of Petersburg Va. to discover the parties engaged in the burning of the churches of the colored people of that city. 

Very Respectfully
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A.Genl.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. May 10th 1866.

Flagg Capt. A.S. 
A.Q.M. and Supt. 
Your communication of May 5th with applications for W.S bounty &c. was duly received - The following are returned for correction - viz: 
1. James Walden - is only entitled to the 1st & 2nd installment of Bounty - The witness must swear (if they can) that he was free on the 19th of April 1861 - Official seal of the N.P. required or rev. stamp - to make the Declaration legal - "Discharge" retained. "Declaration" enclosed.
2. Eli Scott - is only entitled to the 1st & 2nd installments of bounty. - Official Seal of N.P. or "rev. stamp" required &c. "Discharge retained" Declaration enclosed.
3. Richard Johns - must state whether he was or was not mustered on the rolls as free on or before 19th April 1861. Official Seal of N.P or Rev. stamp &c. - "Discharge" retained. "Declaration" enclosed.
4. Curtis Ash - Another written signature required to witness Ash's Mark - Witnesses to swear that he was free on or before 19th April 1861, if they can. - "Discharge" retained. - Declaration enclosed.
5. Huldah Gordon - application for arrears of pay &c. due her deceased son Miles Gordon. No bounty is due - Power of Attorney required. Had better state that she claims pay from the 28th Feb. 1864 to 28th August 1864 - The application gives the date of his death as 1865 - while Boyds letter gives it as 1864. (The Regiment was at Newport News in 1864, and in Texas August 1865.) - This application was received in your letter dated 26th April. - Application and Boyds letter enclosed
6. Gilly Turner - application for arrears of Pay &c. due her deceased brother - Anderson Turner - Power of Attorney required - Official seal of N.P. or Rev. stamp &c. - It would be well to get a certificate of the mans death or burial, and a statement as to why he was not with his regiment - Application enclosed.


7. Nicholas Guest - applies for money due on check book No. 619 issued by P. Master Wm H. Nicols for $180.00/100 - He must send his discharge - The power of Attorney must be made out for Major Fowler - The official seal of the N.P. or a rev stamp must be attached - and it must be stated that a certified copy of the N.P. commission is on file in the P.M.G. Office. - Check-book retained - Power of Attorney enclosed.

(7 applications 8 Enclosures)

By Order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A.Genl.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. May 11th 1866.

Flagg Captain A.S.
A.Q.M. & Supt.
I have the honor to enclose 19 Checks on "Nat. Bank of the Republic" Washington D.C. No 539 to 557 inclusive, in payment of retained bounty due the following named men, viz:
John Boston  100.00
William Smith  100.00
William H. Reed  100.00
Chas H Jarvis  100.00
Alfred Fletcher  100.00
John T. Gilchrist  100.00
John Stevens  100.00
Edward James  100.00
Elbridge Drury  100.00
Henry Francis  100.00
Henry Jordan  100.00
Richard Barnes  108.33
George March  100.00
Arthur Beasley  100.00
David Pace  109.00
Frank Richards  100.00
Lewis Hall  109.00
Robert Houton  100.00
John Runley  100.00
Total $1926.33
Please acknowledge receipt.

(19 enclosures)

By Order of 
Bvt. Brig. General O. Brown
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Major & A.A.A.Genl.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. May 11th 1866.

Balloch Bvt. Col. Geo. W.
C.S.V. Chf A. & D. Officer
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated 10th inst. enclosing 19 checks on "Nat. Bank of the Republic, Washington D.C. Nos 539 to 557 inclusive, amounting to $1926.33/100 in payment of retained bounty.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 21:27:21