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(4.V.841.) Richmond Va.
May 26th 1866

Croft  Maj. J.N. (To General Armstrong)
You will please proceed at once to Fort Monroe and report to General Armstrong for the purpose of investigating all matters connected with the burning of the school-house near Mr. Wm. Bartletts.
Let the investigation be carried on with secrecy and energy to the end of bringing to justice, the perpetrators of this villainous act.
You will follow such instructions  as may be given you by General Armstrong
I am Sir
Yours very Respectfully
Signed O.Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl.

Official copy
(Sgd.) H. Neide
Lt. Col. V.R.C.
Inspector General.
Garrick Mallery

(4.V.842.) Richmond Va.
May 26th 1866

Maj. J.N.
You will please proceed at once at Fort Monroe and report to General Armstrong for the purpose of investigating all matters connected with the burning of the School House near Mr. Wm. Bartletts.
Let the investigation be carried on with secrecy and energy to the end of bringing to justice the perpetrators of this villainous act.
You will follow such instructions  as may be given you by General Armstrong.
I am Sir
Yours very Respectfully
(Signed) O.Brown
Brevet Brig. General

Garrick Mallery
Official copy sent to General Armstrong.

(4.V.843.) Richmond Va.
May 26th 1866

Armstrong  General S.C.
Your communication dated May 24th Enclosing


16 applications of U.S. Bounty with discharges was duly received.- The following have been forwarded to Washington: viz:

Henry Grey, John C. Clark, George Thomas, Willis James, Walker Taylor, Armistead Holmes, Wingo Waters, Isaac Evans, John H.C. Banks, James Pitman and Plymouth Walker.
The following applications with Discharges &c. are returned herewith.-viz:
Ballard Copeland, it must be stated whether the man was, or was not, mustered on the rolls as free, on or before 19th. April 1861.-
Clayton Bush - same as previous.
James Sutton - a letter from these Hd. Quarts. dated May 18th.- stated that this man was only entitled to $100. bounty- You will please make the declaration for that amount and also have the signature or mark of Thos. Long, in the certificate,- witnessed by another person.-
Alexander Shepard- same as Clayton Bush.
Nicholas Hardin- This man enlisted before October 24th 1863, and is only entitled to $100- his case is similar to that of Samuel Sutton- the requirements of extract from letter from the Commissioner in communication of May 18th must be complied with.

By Command of
Maj. Genl. A.H. Terry
Asst. Commissioner
(Sgd.)H. Neide
Lt. Col. V.R.C. & Inspector Genl.

(13 Enclosures)
Garrick Mallery

(4.V.844.) Richmond Va.
May 27th 1866

Flagg  A.S. Captain
A.Q.M. & Supt.
I have the honor to enclose 5 checks on National Bank of the Republic Washington D.C., Nos. 585 to 589 inclusive, in payment of waived bounty due the following named persons.-viz:
Jordon Jones $100.00
John Parker $100.00
William Boone $100.00
Isaac Reeves $100.00
Frances Sevelt $100.00
Total $500.00/100
Please acknowledge receipt.
(5 Enclosures)

Transcription Notes:
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