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(4. V. 889.)
Richmond Va.
June 4th 1866.

Johnson Mr. J.R.
Ann Arbor Mich.

In reply to your communication of May 15th I have to state that your mother Julia Arin has been living in Alexandria Va. but is expected to return to live with her present husband — Bailey, at Mr B. Chapelins, near Rectortown Pa. Kitty Wanset lives at the Fairfax Seminary near Alexandria Va.

Wm Coleman and his mother fell to a man named Coleman from Mo. who married Jack Rectors sister. It is believed they were sold to some one in Mo. their whereabouts at present is unknown.

By Order of 
Maj. Genl. A.H. Terry
Asst. Commissioner
(sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Lt. Col. & A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

(4. V. 890.)
Richmond Va.
June 4th 1866.

Flagg Captain A.S.
A.Q.M. and Supt.

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated June 1st 1866 —

The following applications have been forwarded to Washington. viz:
Thomas Harris, William Davis, and Richard Freeman.

The following are returned enclosed. viz:
William Smith, for William Adams-. vouchers enclosed for Smith's signature - other papers retained.-
John Washington - No such man on our lists.-
Jeremiah Scott - appears to have enlisted August 1866 - another witness to mark required.-

In regard to Andrew Wilkes - I find that he was transferred from the 2nd U.S.C.C. to the 2nd U.S.C. Lt. Arty.- Oct 1st 1864.- he appears to have been a substitute - forward his papers-

I also find that Isham Raney - whose application I returned May 7th - was transferred from the same regiment and on the same day as Wilkes - he was a substitute, - forward his papers.-

On April 6th I wrote you in regard to Nicholas Henderson - whose certificate calls for $100 - While his name appears with $66.66/100- Not having heard anything from him - I return his certificate


enclosed.- If he chooses to accept the $66.66/100 - a new application must be made accompanied by power of attorney.

On the 7th May - I wrote in relation to James McGuire - the Question must be answered before he can obtain his bounty.
(5 Enclosures)

I am Captain
Yours Respectfully
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Lt. Col. & A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery 
A.A.A. Genl.

(4. V. 891.)
Richmond Va
June 4th 1866.

Crandon Brevet Maj. T.F.P.
A.Q.M. & Supt.

I have the honor to enclose transportation as requested in your communication of June 2nd.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(1 Enclosure)

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Lt. Col. & A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery 
A.A.A. Genl.

(4. V. 892.)
Richmond Va
June 4th 1866.

Armstrong General S.C.

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to enclose orders for transportation Nos. 616, 617, 618, 619, and 620.- to cover your request dated June 1st.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(5 Enclosures)

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd.) James A. Bates
Bvt. Lt. Col. & A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery 
A.A.A. Genl.

(4. V. 893.)
Richmond Va
June 4th 1866.

Bond Mr. B. William
Care of E.L. Hamilton
Attorney at Law
No 139 Broadway New York.

Transcription Notes:
Uncertain: Julia [[Anic]] Mr. [[B. Chapeling]] Kitty [[Wainset]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 20:52:13 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 05:53:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 13:18:09