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5.V. 1290  (Telegram) Richmond Va
September 2nd, 1866

Armstrong General S.C.
Fort Monroe Va.
You can order Maj. French to report to your office on business. -
(Sgd.) J.A. Bates.
A.A.A. Gen'l

Garrick Mallery 
A.A.A. Genl

5.V. 1291. Richmond, Va
September 4th, 1866.

Remington, Bvt. Major J. H.
Supt. 9th Dist. Va.

The Asst. Commissioner directs that you forward copies of all orders issued by you, as Superintendent of the Shenandoah Division. -

An order has this day been forwarded you, designating the Counties under your charge as the 9th District, and directing the officers on duty in said Counties, to report to you by letter for instructions- 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J.A. Bates
Bvt. Lt. Col. and A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

5. V. 1292. Richmond Va.
September 6th 1866.

Remington, Brevet Major J.H
Supt. 9th Dist. of Va.
Winchester, Va.

You will direct the Assistant Superintendents of your District, to at once comply with the requirements of Circular 15. C.S. from this Office-

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant 
By Order of 
Major General J.M. Schofield
Assistant Commissioner
(Signed) O. Brown
Brevet Brig. General and 
A.A.A. General

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
Circular 15. C.S. - C.S. stands for Current Series Please transcribe the second side.