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August 21, 1954

Mr. Mike M. Masaoka
Japanese American Citizens League
Suite 51
1737 H. Street, N.W.
Washington 6, D. C.

Dear Mr. Masaoka:

I am pleased to hear from Mrs. Peterson that there is an outside chance, at least, that you may be back in the country in time for our convention and that, if so, you will do your utmost to join us in Omaha, October 28-31. We will just leave it at that. I understand that the Washington office is in close touch with your office and will probably know how your plans develop.

I am deeply pleased to learn that you have accepted membership on the board of ARROW. I was Executive Director for ARROW in its first months and have always felt its proper functioning was a necessary function to NCAI. I know that you have already made a great contribution and that you will continue to do so.

I was pleased, indeed, also to have your comments about our Washington office.  I have more than ordinary interest in the organization since I was its director for more than a year and was greatly disappointed at the last convention that the tribes for whom I worked would not permit me to accept nomination for the Presidency. I fully appreciate the difficult job it is to run the Washington office, and I am impressed and pleased by your evaluation of the work now being done.

I sincerely hope your plans develop so that you can help us out in Omaha.

Sincerely yours,

John C. Rainer
Chairman, Program Committee

Transcription Notes:
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