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August 21, 1954

Mr. Ben Reifel, Superintendent
United States Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
Field Service
Pine Ridge Indian Agency
Pine Ridge, South Dakota

Dear Ben,

It is certainly good to know you will be in Omaha for the convention and that you can participate in the program.

In light of the acceptances and regrets of people invited to speak on the program, we may do some revising of our preliminary plans. Please let me get in touch with you again a little later on as to your specific assignment or assignments on the program.

We certainly are pleased to have you actively participate in NCAI and I deeply hope that in the future our organization can make more effective use of the fine capabilities of persons like yourself, Tom Dodge, and other professional leaders, both in and out of Indian Service. I believe that we are now going in the right direction to do this in ways that are entirely appropriate both to yourselves and NCAI.

Most cordially yours,

John C. Rainer
Chairman, Program Committee

Transcription Notes:
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