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Nov. 18 
Belt 7-D continued 
be introduced? Any more delegates here now? Of these are? 
Woman's voice: ( Remarks too dim to be understood) 
Garry: Thank you. (applause) 
Woman's voice: (Remarks too dim to be understood) 
Garry: All right; a nice bunch here; just came in. 
All right; Will the chairman of the delegation that's just come in introduce the members. First introduce yourself, and then introduce the rest of them. Who's the chairman of the delegation that just came in? (Low talk near microphone between Garry and others indicate they are Southern Utes, chairman George Mills.) George Mills? okay. Introduce the rest of the them, now; you're not getting by that easy. 
Voice, just audible, indicates he can't speak English. 
Garry: Oh, I see. Okay. Jack House.  (Applause)
Voice: ( Practically inaudible, says something) 
Voice: A little louder, please. Line 52 
Garry:.......,Chairman. ( Sounds like " Yad-verse, Chairman.") (Applause) 
Voice : (More inaudible remarks; apparently same person as before) 
Garry : All stand up. Let's give them a big hand. (Applause) Thank you. 
Are there are more delegates or guests here to be introduced? 
Voice: Jess Stevens. 
Garry: Oh yes; Jess Stevens, San Carlos Apache. ( Applause) 
He's chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, of San Carlos, Arizona - Jess Stevens. Thank you, Jess. 
Woman's voice (Inaudible remarks) 
Garry: Omaha. ( Applause) 
Are there any more delegates who have not been introduced or have not introduced themselves?-- delegates or guests.