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(Nov. 20, belt 1 continued)
110  MRS. BRONSON: As soon as possible, we want to get these official delegates lined up; so I'm going to read the list of tribes who are members in the National Congress who according to our records are represented here.  I may not have your tribe, and it may be that you have credentials which you haven't submitted to me; so, I'm going to read of the list that are here who belong to the organization and have the right to vote, and ask for you to make corrections if I have made a mistake.  Also, unless you come and tell me what your census figures are as a tribe, the Credentials Committee on Indian Affairs.
We have found that census report is inaccurate according to the census figures of some of the tribes, and we prefer your own figures.  So if you will come, the official representatives of the tribes, and let us know what your census is, we will appreciate it [[strike through]].  (cut short- end if belt 1-B)
End of belt 1-B
Beginning belt #2:
(Mrs. Bronson, continuing:)
and clear their credentials, is the Cherokee Tribe of Oklahoma, Alaska, the Consolidated Chippewas of Minnesota, the Creek Tribe of Oklahoma, the Coeur d'Alene, the Confederated Colville Tribes, the Chickasaw Nation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee, the Gila River Pima-Maricopa of Arizona, the Wallapai (Hualapai? Tribe of Arizona, the Oglala Sioux Tribe, the Quapaw Tribe, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe of Idaho, Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold,.......Tribe of Washington, the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Uintah and Ouray Tribe of Utah, the Ute Mountain Utes of Colorado.  Now, here are three tribes that according to us are eligible to vote, but I have not heard from you: the Winnebagoes of Wisconsin, the Winnebagoes of Nebraska, and the Omaha Tribe, have not............their [[strike through]] credentials.  I will be sitting out in the room beside the door there, and a table over which I could (kiss?) your official representatives. Later....This morning I would like to read, for our records a list of the