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(M. Nickle is speaking; is reading first paragraph of Resolution about transferring extension work of Indian Bureau to Dept. of Agriculture:)
... either by legislation or by contract, under the Johnston-O'Malley Act, and
Whereas the San Carlos Apache Tribe [[strikethrough]] or the other tribes [[/strikethrough]] and other tribes are not prepared by training [[strikethrough]] x [[/strikethrough]] experience [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] or tribal culture and practice to go out into and operate under the State Extension programs of the States of Arizona and New Mexico which are organized to operate to meet the needs of the [[strikethrough]] hihgly [[/strikethrough]] highly complicated structure of the white man's culture; and 
WHEREAS these Indian tribes [[strikethrough]] are entrusted to a [[/strikethrough]] have been accustomed to the special types of Extension service and [[crossed-out]] special [[/crossed-out]] programs developed by the Indian Bureau based upon and taken into account the cultures and the traditions of the Indian people themselves; and 
WHEREAS [[crossed-out]] sthi [[/crossed-out]] this extension service [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] as developed by the Indian Bureau [[strikethrough]] so it can [[/strikethrough]] shall be continued, [[strikethrough]] it is [[/strikethrough]] if not [[strikethrough]] one of [[/strikethrough]] by the Bureau [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]] run [[/strikethrough]] then by the Indian tribes who are affected;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] by the National Congress of American Indians in [[strikethrough]] Congressional [[/strikethrough]] Convention assembled that it is sincerely recommended that the Extension Service of the INdian Bureau be transferred to those Indian tribes who request [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] it and that the funds [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] appropriated for such services be included on the transfer by contract under the Johnson-O'Malley Act. 
I move [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] the adoption of this resolution, Mr. Chairman.
CHMN: You have heard the reading of this proposed resolution, concerning the transfer of the Extension Department. Do I hear a second?
A man: I second it.
Chmn: It has been moved and seconded. Are there any questions?
A man: Mr. Chairman.
Chmn: Yes, sir.
Speaker: I am Louis Orr, a delegate [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] from the Colville reservation and previously, in so far as the meeting has gone so far, I have left any of the speaking to the senior members of my [[crossed-out]] dle [[/crossed-out]] delegation, but in regards to Extension [[strikethrough]] SErvice [[/strikethrough]], I feel at this time that I would like to say a few words.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-10 18:19:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-11 12:37:03