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WHEREAS, House Report No. 2680 of the 83rd Congress, 2d Session, makes the charge that there exists "no adequate channel for the expression of overall Indian public opinion within local communities, or in the nation as a whole," and this Report further reflects unfairly on the sincerity of purpose, and the motives of private organizations devoted to Indian matters, including the National Congress of American Indians, and proposes an investigation of such private organizations; and
WHEREAS, Indian tribes, bands, and groups throughout the United States and Alaska select their spokesmen and governing bodies in accordance with customary law or written constitution, and in either situation such spokesmen or governing bodies are fully responsible to the people they represent, the Indian people having followed democratic forms of government since long before the United States Government was organized; and,
WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians invites and welcomes a fair and complete investigation of all of its activities, and does hereby urge that such a fair and complete investigation be conducted; and
WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians meeting in its annual convention in Phoenix, Arizona, on December 9, 1953, did adopt a resolution "condemning organizations, groups and individuals affiliated with subversive movements, and un-American activities designed to undermine American institutions," which Resolution is attached and made part of this Resolution; and


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-09 07:42:13