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To Bureau R. F. & A. L., for the month of ..........., 186 ,....... District, State of .......

☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one School.
☞ To contain one entire calendar month, and to be forwarded as soon as possible after the close of the month.
☞ This report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.

[[36 Columned Table]]

|No. of Day Schools|No. of Night Schools|NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL.|Present Session. When opened.|Present Session. When to close.|SOCIETIES, &c., PATRONS.|No. Schools sustained by Freedmen.|No Schools sustained in part by Freedmen.|No. Teachers transported by Bureau.|No. School Buildings owned by Freedmen.|No. School Buildings furnished by Bureau.|TEACHERS. White.|TEACHERS. Col'd.|NO. PUPILS ENROLLED. (Both Day and Night Schools.) Male.|NO. PUPILS ENROLLED. (Both Day and Night Schools.) Fem'e.|No. Pupils enrolled last Report.|No. left School this Month.|No. New Scholars this Month.|Average Attendance.|No. of Pupils paying Tuition.|No. of White Pupils.|No. always Present.|No. always Punctual.|No. over 16 years of Age.|No. in Alphabet.|No. Spell and Read easy Lessons.|No. advanced Readers.|No. Geography.|No. Arithmetic.|No. Higher Branches.|No. Writing.|No. Needle-work.|No. Free before the War.|No. Sabbath Schools.|No. Teachers in Sabbath Schools.|No. Pupils in Sabbath School.|

|1|--|Lockhart|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|1|--|1|  |13|17|27|--|3|21|11|--|21|18|1|2|22|6|1|3|--|5|--|--|1|1|25|

|1|--|Plum Creek|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|1|--|--|1|--|--|1|10|22|30|--|2|24|18||--|24|20|5|10|16|6|--|--|--|20|--|--|1|1|25|

|1|--|Hallettsville|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|--|1|--|1|12|10|24|--|4|20|14|--|18|16|3|--|20|8|8|10|3|15|--|--|1|2|74|

|2|1|Victoria|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|2|1|--|--|2|2|---|60|70|142|6|--|98|78|-|85|70|35|3|60|23|30|88|22|96|--|--|2|5|125|

|1|1|Lavaca|  |  |Bureau & A.M.A.|2|--|--|1|--|1|--|39|44|89|6|--|80|49|--|75|65|22|1|62|20|11|56|--|66|--|--|1|3|80|

|1|--|Matagorda|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|1|--|--|1|6|12|--|--|18|16|10|--|16|12|1|3|15|--|--|--|--|10|--|--|1|2|25|

|1|--|Wharton|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|1|--|1|--|6|10|14|--|2|13|6|--|12|10|--|--|10|6|--|6|--|6|--|--|--|--|--|

|1|--|Georgetown|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|1|--|1|--|6|13|18|--|1|17|8|--|13|13|7|1|11|7|3|9|--|18|--|--|1|2|28|

|1|--|Billon|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|1|--|1|--|--|1|11|32|43|--|--|32|13|-|30|13|8|10|20|13|12|10|--|12|--|--|1|2|70|

|3|--|Waco|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|--|3|--|1|2|3|1|69|81|138|--|12|120|75|--|110|90|12|17|83|50|60|90|20|100|--|--|3|6|110|

|3|--|McLennan Co|  |  |Bu. of R.F.&A.L.|1|2|--|2|--|--|3|59|48|137|30|--|90|70|20|10|80|27|10|34|--|46|--|--|2|3|127|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 19:51:09