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M01 General Catalogue. KG11365.417 [[stamp] HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MAY 7 1956 [[/stamp]] Observed with Meridian Circle [[underlined]] in 1871 - '72. [[/underlined]] The stars marked S are from the "Pulkowa Na[[?]]terne". Approximate place for 1872. [[table]] | |R A|S. Tau. S| |---|---|---| |A Corvi.|12^[[h]] 1^[[m]] 48^[[s]]^[[49]] | -24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 0' 49" +.010 ^[[+66 23 57 -.04"]]| |[[eta]] Corvi.|12 3 33 |-21 54 25 -005^[[+64 17 18 +.01]]| |4 [[eta]]Draconis|12 6 10|+78 19 39^[[-35 56 51]]|[[strikethrough]] -012[[/strikethrough]]^[[+.02]]| |[[gamma]] Corvi.|12 9 14|-16 49 50^[[+59 12 39]]|-012^[[+.02]]| |[[eta]] Virginis.|12 13 21|+0 2 02^[[+42 20 46]]| |12 Comae.|12 16 4|+26 33 26 +0.02^[[+15 49 22 +.01]]| |13 Comae.|12 17 53|+26 48 33 +.001^[[+15 34 15 -.03]]| |[[gamma]] Comae.|12 20 34|+28 58 51^[[+13 23 57]]| |[[symbol]]]Corvi.| [[strikethrough]]x^[[2?]][[strikethrough]]|12 23 15|-15 48 7 -007^[[+58 10 55 [[strikethrough]]+[[strikethrough]]-.15]]| |[[eta]] Corvi.|12 25 28^[[29]]|-15 29 12 -007^[[+57 52 00 -.07]]| |[[beta]] Corvi.|12 27 40|-22 43 21 -008^[[+65 06 09 -.05]]| |[[kappa]] Draconis|12 28 00|+70 29 38^[[-28 06 50]]| |f Virginis|12 30 12|-5 4 38 +000^[[+47 30 28 -.09]]| |[[chi]] Virginis|12 32 39|-7 18 24 +000^[[+49 41 12 -.04]]| |[[gamma]] Virginis|12 35 11|-0 44 50^[[+43 07 38]]| |B.A.C.4287|12 39 6|+46 8 25^[[-3 45 37]]| |35 Virginis|12 41 20|+4 16 18 -.001^[[+38 06 30 -.01]]| |31 Comae|12 45 28|+28 14 21^[[+14 08 27]]| |[[epsilon]] Urs. Maj.| 12 48 23| +56 39 17 ^[[14 08 27]]| |12 Can. Ven.|12 50 2|+39 0 36^[[+3 22 12]]| |36 Comae|12 52 36|+18 6 0 +001^[[+24 16 48+.06]]| |[[epsilon]] Virginis|12 5[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]5 48|+11 38 51^[[+30 43 57]]| |14 Can. Ven.|12 59 45|+36 29 6^[[+5 53 42]]|+.00^[[+.001]]| |[[theta]] Virginis|13 03 19|-4 51 19^[[+47 14 07]]| |[[strikethrough]]43[[strikethrough]] [[beta]] Comae |13 5 54|+28 31 40^[[+13 51 08]]| |B.A.C.4433=(R 13-27)|13 7 56^[[55]]|+40 49 51 -.003 ^[[+1 32 57 -.06]]| |Polaris. S.P. |1 11 58 |+88 37 37^[[-48 59 35]]| |63 Virginis|13 16 10|-17 3 51^[[+59 26 39]]| |a Virginis S|13 18 [[strikethrough]]46[[strikethrough]]27|-10 29 31^[[-13 12 51]]| |[[zeta]] Urs. Maj. [[strikethrough]] Pr.[[/strikethrough]]|13 18 46|+55 35 39^[[-13 12 51]]| |70 Virginis|13 22 11|+14 28 00 -.014^[[+27 54 48 -.58]]| |B.A.C. 4513 fol.|13 24 47|+24 53 55^[[+17 28 53]]| |[[zeta]] Virginis|13 28 0|+0 3 39^[[+42 19 14]]| |25 Can. Ven.|13^[[h]] 32^[[m]] 46^[[s]]^[[strikethrough]] 47 [[/strikethrough]] |+36[[symbol - degree symbol]] 56' 49"^[[+5 25 59]]| |m Virginis|13 34 53|-8 3 22 -.01^[[s]]0^[[+50 26 +10 +00"]]| |83 Virginis|13 37 36|-15 32 06 +.004^[[+57 54 54 -.06]]| |87 Virginis|13 40 29^[[28]]|-17 13 6^[[+59 35 54]]| |[[eta]] Urs. Maj.|13 42 30|+49 57 10^[[-7 34 22]]| |[[eta]] Centauri|13 45 51|[[strikethrough]]+19 2 25[[/strikethrough]]-31 17 40^[[73 40 28]]| |[[eta]] Bootis|13 48 35|+19 2 25^[[+23 20 23]]| |9 Bootis|13 50 43|+28 4 16 +.006^[[+14 15 32 -.07]]| |50 Cassiop. LC|[[strikethrough]] 13[[/strikethrough]]1 52 33|+41 48 1^[[-65 19 11]]| |[[tau]] Virginis|13 55 8|+2 9 53^[[+40 12 55]]| |[[theta]] Centauri|13 59 10^[[9]]|-35 44 10 -.051^[[78 06 56 -.64]]| |[[alpha]] Draconis|14 0 55^[[9]]|+64 59 17^[[22 36 29]]| |A Bootis| 14 04 34|+25 41 56^[[+16 40 52]]| |14 Bootis|14 7 56|+13 33 42- - - ^[[+28 49 08 - - -]]| |[[alpha]] Bootis|14 09 49|+19 51 0^[[+22 31 48]]| |[[lambda]] Virginis|14 12 11|-12 46 51 -002^[[+55 09 39 +.02]]| |B.A.C 4757|14 14 40^[[39]]|-34 12 1^[[+76 34 49]]| |2 Librae|14 16 32 |+11 4 39 -004^[[+53 30 27 +.09 ]]| |[[iota]] Cassiop.L.Cor|12 18 33|+66 49 29^[[-70 47 43]]| |[[theta]] Bootis|14 20 50|+52 26 35^[[-10 03 44]]| |B.A.C 4797|14 22 58|+36 46 16^[[+5 36 32]]| |Q Bootis|14 26 19|+38 52 8^[[+11 26 44]]| |Y Bootis|14 26 55|+38 52 8^[[+3 30 40]]| |5 Urs. Min.|14 27 49|+79 15 52^[[-33 53 04]]| |B.A.C 4838|14 32 13|-26 10 8^[[+68 32 56]]| |[[pi]] Bootis [[strikethrough]]Pv[[/strikethrough]]|14 34 43|+16 58 5^[[+25 24 43]]| |[[zeta]] Bootis mean|14 35 2|+14 16 43^[[+28 06 05]]| |[[epsilon]] Bootis fole.|14 39 24|+27 36 53 -005^[[+14 45 35 +.01]]| |109 Virginis|14 39 47|+2 26 1^[[+39 56 47]]| |[[alpha]]^[[2]] Librae|14 43 48|-15 30 24^[[+57 53 17]]| ^[[2]]Bootis|14 45 29|+19 38 00 -.005^[[+22 44 48 +.01]]| |[[Groom.?]] 2164|14 48 12|+59 48 54^[[-17 26 11]]| |[[Beta]] Urs. Min.|14 51 6|+79 40 42^[[-32 17 54]]| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
***Do not change Pulkowa***
Pulkovo Observatory, astronomical observatory founded in 1839 near St. Petersburg, Russia.
columns on right are a continuation of the table
Stamp on top left corner - Harvard University Library May 7 1956
Hey! Top of table right side struggled to decipher 25 Can. Ren.
Also the crossed out words at Pie Bootis were hard to decipher.
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-15 09:58:17
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 11:11:47
this is not finished.
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 20:57:02
not finished. Needs last row on left and all of right transcribed.
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Reopened for Editing 2024-01-01 19:19:55
Do you want the "S" shaped symbol transcribed. Is that an "S" or "delta"?
Reopened for Editing 2024-01-07 06:15:18