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[underlined]]M + loqlqz.[[/underlined]]
[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]] = +13[[symbol - degree symbol]] 33' 39.2" dV/dt -17.01" -45-69

|   | [[Tau]]m-[[Tau]]s | Circle Read | Red. Nor. wire | Corr. Cir. Read |[[delta]]'|[[beta]] + [[Tau]] + [[gamma]] |   | [[lambda]][[gamma]]-[[gamma]] | Rm | Rvs | Rm + Rvs + Rf | Red 1871 | Red. to 1872.0 | Rm + Rvs + Rf | I | [[delta]] 1872 |
|   |+23.4^[[s]]|46' 10.85"|+29.06"|46' 39.91"|36' 8.44"|-00390^[[1.5005]]|-' 31.38"|   |-.06"|+.18"|-.33"|-1.43"| -18.44"|-1.02"|-140.48"|33" 37.1"|
|   |+23.9|46 10.90|+29.68|46 40.58|36 7.77|-00130|31.56|   |.07|.18|-.34|-1.76|-18.77|-1.03|-138.92|37.5|
|   |+14.7|49 0.95|+18.25|49 19.20|33 29.15|-00558|31.25|   |.02|.60|+.13|-1.98|-18.99|-.56|+12.05|40.4|
|   |+22.0|48 39.00|+27.32|49 6.32|33 42.03|+00149|31.77|   |.06| .54|+.03|-2.19|-19.20|-.66|+49.67|40.1|
|   |+22.6|48 38.05|+28.06|49 6.11|33 42.24|-00561|- 31.25|  

Mean 33 39.18 
+- 1.41

[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]]=+19 50 59.7  1.3378 -18.89 Sin2 +.38-.36-55

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+25.7|28 53.20|+30.87|29 24.07|53 24.28|-00389|-23.66| 
  |-.12|+.58+|+.10|-21.19^[[underlined]]72[[underlined]]|-2.30^[[underlined]]71[[underlined]]|-.45|-140.48|50 58.5|
|   |+36.8|30 8.45|-44.21|29 24.24|53 24.11|-00118|23.80|   |.23|  .01|-.58|-21.69|-2.80|-1.13|-138.92|58.6|
|   |+21.6|26 39.05|+28.09|32 7.14|50 41.24|-00541|23.57|   |.08|  .25|-.19|-21.79|-2.90| -.74|+12.05|57.2|
|   |+21.3|26 25.15|+27.70|32 59.85|50 55.50|+00146|23.94|   |.08|.21|-.23|-22.09|-3.20|-.78+49.67|58.4|
|   |+25.3|26 20.70|+32.91|32 53.61|50 54.74|-00554|-23.57|  
 |-.11| +.32|-.15|-22.39|-3.50|-.70|+49.81|57.9|

53 1.08
53 0.09  50 3169   Mean 50 58.12
+- .008  50 17.81 50 3138    +- 0.43
[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]=-12 46 50.1  1.9162  -16.81    -.76 -118

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |-22.6|6 54.25|-28.15|6 26.10|43 37.75|-00389|-81.71|-.01|+.06|+.28|-.42|+5.81|-11.00|-1.60|-140.48|46 52.5|
|   |+18.8|6 2.95|+23.42|6 26.37|43 38.02|-00118|82.23|.01|.04|.15|-.57|+5.79|-11.02|-1.75|-138.92|52.0|
|   |+21.3|8 39.00|+27.70|9 6.70|46 18.35|-00541|81.43|.01|.05|.55|-.16|+5.75|-11.06|-1.34|+12.05|50.1
|   |+18.8|8 28.80|+24.45|8 53.25|46 4.90|+00146|82.74|.00|.04|.52|-.20|+5.70|-11.11|-1.38|+49.67|50.5
|   |+19.9|8 28.90|+25.88|8 54.78|46 6.43|-00554|-81.41|-.01|+.05|+.83|+.12|+5.57|-11.24|-1.06|+49.81|50.3|

Mean 46 51.08
+- 0.89
[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]-34 12 1.9   2.37203  -16.69  -.90-1.40

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+24.1|28 43.75|+25.46|29 9.21|6 20.86|-00389| -3 5342|-.11|+.15|+.55|-.20|+10.99|-5.70|-1.60|-140.48|12 2.1|
|   |-52.1|30 3.65|-55.03|29 8.62|6 20.27|-00118|3 54.88|.11|.69|.00|-.21|+11.17|-5.52|-1.61|-138.92|1.3|
|   |-20.9|32 14.45|-23.90|31 50.55|9 2.20|-00541|3 52.61|.11|.11|.33|-.46|+11.28|-5.41|-1.86|+12.05|0.1|  
|   |+22.6|31 12.05|+25.85|31 37.90|8 48.55|+00146| 3 56.31|.05|.14|.18|-.58|+11.39|-5.30|-1.98|+49.67| 2.5|
|   |-26.8|32 11.65|-30.65|31 41.00|8 52.65|-00554| -3 52.54|-.15|+.20|+.53|-.17|+11.56|-5.13|-1.57|+49.81|2.2|

Mean 12 1.64
+- 0.72

[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]=-11 7 40.3  0.8899  -16.60  -.74-1.16

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+19.9|26 56.90|+21.02|27 17.92|4 30.43|-00388| -76.92|-.01|+.04|+.28|-.42|+5.29|-11.31|-1.58|-140.48|7 40.7
|   |+19.7|29 34.15|+26.72|30 0.87|7 12.52|-00541| 76.65|.01|.04|.69|-.01|+5.14|-11.46|-1.17|+12.05|39.8|
|   |+20.2|29 22.30|+27.40|29 49.70|7 1.35|+00145|77.87|.00|.04|.65|-.05|+5.07|-11.53|-1.21 +49.67|42.3
|   |+2.9|29 45.45|+3.93|29 49.38|7 1.03|-00547|-76.63|-.01|+.00|+1.14|+.40|+4.92|-11.68|-.76-|+49.81|40.3|

Mean 7 40.77
29.05 +16.472"

[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]= +66 49 29.1  2.21334n  +-16.48  SinZ-.94 +.87 +13.7 
113 10 309
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+6.6|15 26.55|-3.60|15 22.95|7 25.40|+00145|+2 43.98|   |-.01|+.06|+.92|+30.18^[[72]]|-13.70^[[71]]|+2.29|+49.67|10 31.2|
|   |-51.6|14 54.60|+28.11|15 22.71|7 25.64|-00547|41.41|   |.54|1.18|+1.51|-30.28|-13.80|+2.88|+49.81|29.5|
|   |-6.4|15 14.15|+3.49|15 17.64|7 30.71|-01189|39.04|   |.01|.05|+.91|+30.38|+13.90|+2.28|+48.41|30.1|
|   |+44.0|15 42.90|-23.97|15 18.93|7 29.42|-01176|+39.08|   |-.39|+.17|+.65|-30.38|+13.90|+2.02|+49.10|29.2|

10 9.43
Mean 10 3000
34.72 -16.810"

[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]= +52 26 34.7  1.0092n  -16.81  SinZ-.17 +.16 +24 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+38.8|56 24.80|+32.70|56 57.50|25 50.85|-00524|+10.09|   |-.40|+.21|-.03|-27.81|-11.00|+.21|+12.05|26 35.4|
|   |+35.4|56 14.35|+29.83|56 44.18|26 4.17|+00145|10.25|   |.33|.18|+.01|-28.21|-11.40|+.25|+49.67|36.1|
|   |+25.4|56 23.55|+21.40|56 44.95|26 3.40|-00547|10.09|   |.17|.34|+.33|-28.91|-12.10|+.57|+49.81|35.0|
|   |+11.1|56 33.95|+9.35|56 43.30|26 5.05|-01189|9.94|   |.04|.37|+.49|-29.01|-12.20|+.73|+48.41|35.1|
|   |-31.0|57 7.65|-26.12|56 41.53|26 6.82|-01378|+9.88|   |-.26|+.50|+.40|-29.91|-13.10|+.64|+48.69|36.1|

26 075
1427 26 15.32
1366 16.94
Mean 26 35.54

[[delta]]^[[symbol - degree symbol]]= +36 46 14.6  0.7524  -16.28  -.09 -14 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+28.5|36 35.40|+31.56|37 6.96|45 41.39|-00507|-5.59|-.21|+.24|-.06|-7.87|-24.15|-.20|+12.05|46 13.5|
|   |+21.4|36 30.35|+23.70|36 54.05|45 54.30|+00144|5.67|.11|.22|+.02|-8.19|-24.47|-.12|+49.67|13.7|
|+-.030|+24.5|36 27.35|+27.14|36 54.49|45 53.86|-00540|5.48|.15|.35|+.11|-8.77|-25.05|-.03|+49.81|13.1|
|+-.038|+7.7|36 43.60|+8.53|36 52.13|45 56.22|-01189|5.50|.02|.40|+.29|-9.07|-25.35|+15|+48.41|13.9|
|58.444|+20.3|36 29.95|+22.48|36 52.43|45 55.92|-00660|-5.57|-.10|+.36|+.17|-9.46|-25.74|+03|+4902|13.7|

+-0.21 46 13.58

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-07 15:08:25 {stopped at beginning of sixth group of numbers, third from bottom}