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Approx z = -10[[symbol - degree symbol]] 46' 32" m + log tan z =1.03970n P'-P=+0.7"
Tm - T[[delta]] Circle Reading Corr. Circ Read [[celta]]' B+T+[[gamma]] Rvf Rmd Rvs Sum Corr [[delta]] App [[delta]] Req
log cos [[delta]] 9.77795 
log const. .08794n
|   | s |   | s |' "|' "|' "|[[symbol - degree symbol]] ' "|   | " | " | " | ""|' "|' "|' "|   |   |   |   |
|-164-38+107+73|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
|+78.82|-38.18|14 9.20|(13 49.65|28.30)|12 45.55|13 12.46|+5.3 9 35.89|+3769|+11.95|-1.01|+.90|+11.84|9 47.73|9 42.8|-0 4.9|+0.5|-0 4.50|-3.30|9 40.43|
|-159-31+1.02+.70|+78.00|-37.00|14 7.30|(13 2550)|12 45.25|13 11.22|9 37.13|+2581|+11.63|-.98|+.86|+11.51|9 48.64|44.2|4.4|+0.5|-0 3.98|-4.70|40.46|
|-45-50+186+62|+41.72|-43.48|13 38.10|(13 24.05)|12 36.15|13 7.77|9 40.58|+837|+11.17|-.47|+.74|+11.44|9 52.02|45.9|-6.1|+0.5|-0 6.14|-6.40|39.98|
|-14-3+82+79|+22.56|+9.66|13 25.25|13 16.10|   |13 8.90|9 39.45|+1557|+11.36|-.08|+.80|+12.08|9 51.53|46.8|4.7|+0.5|-0 6.29|-7.30|38.44|
|-34-32+80+62|-36.06|-35.24|13 32.35|(23.75)|12 40.40|13 6.06|9 42.29|+830|+11.17|-.33|+.71|+11.55|9 53.84|48.1|5.7|+0.4|-0 5.93|-8.60|39.71 39.71 [[strikethrough]]38.71[[/strikethrough]]|
|-21-6+80+76|+28.52|+15.32|13 28.15|13 17.45|   |13 6.70|9 41.65|+2238|+11.54|-.14|+.78|+12.18|9 53.83|48.9|4.9|+0.4|-0 5.64|-9.40|39.19|

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
|   |   |   |[[strikethrough]]5 31.75|23.55|18.85[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   

Approx z=+0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5' 32" m+log tan z=8.95700 P'-P=+.2"
log cos[[Delta]] 9.86913
log const. 08794n
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |15 53.95|33.25|14 58.65|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |15 47.00|32.05|14 45.70|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|-9-3+11+9|+17.89|+7.89|5 31.75|23.55|[18.85]"|5 15.97|+42 17 32.38|+830|-0.09|-.06|+.10|-0.05|17 32.33|17 34.2|+.19]|0.0|-05.93|-4.80|17' 21.60|

Approx z=-12[[symbol - degree symbol]] 24' 15" m+log tan z=1.01250n P'-P=-0.6"
log cos[[Delta]] 9.76111
log const. 08794n
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|-120-25+32+2|+68.64|-30.96|36 16.80|(35 42.30)|35 7.75|35 28.96|+54 47 19.39|+1915|+13.23|-.72|+.17|+12.68|47 32.07|47 28.8|-0|+0.5|-0 5.08|-4.00|47' 23.49|
|-41-12+23+17|+39.44|+21.84|35 55.70|35 42.50|   |35 27.46|47 20.89|+1567|+13.13|-.26|+.20|+13.07|47 33.96|29.6|-3.4|+0.5|-0 5.56|-4.80|24.10|

Approx z=-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 21' 56" m+log tan z=0.13740n P'-P=+1.0"
log cos[[Delta]] 9.85888
log const. 08794n
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+3[[strikethrough]] 9[[/strikethrough]].52 |+19.42)|3[[strikethrough]] 7[[/strikethrough]]8 22.60|{56.80|12.85]|37 49.52|+43 44 58.83|+1131|+1.41|-.36|+.82|+1.87|45 0.70|44 53.6|-7.1|0.0|-0 6.14|[[strikethrough]] -24.20[[/strikethrough]]-2.9|44 51.66|
|-12-27+.71+.55|+21.28|-28.12|38 6.90|(37 58.75)|37 23.65|37 48.30|45 0.05|+2200|+1.44|-.16|+.63|+1.81|45 1.86|56.1|5.8|0.0|-0 5.15|[[strikethrough]] -26.70[[/strikethrough]]-5.3|51.41|
|   |[[strikethrough]] +14.82|,,,|38,,2.70|,,,,,|   |37 49.59,,,,|44 58.76|+1441|+1.42|-.06|+.66|+2.02|45 0.78|57.2|''3.6'|0.0 [[/strikethrough]]|-0 2.10|-6.5|52.18|
|-21-17+72+60|+11.86|-25.24|(38 15.60]|37 55.75|37 23.10|37 45.30|45 3.05|+1522|+1.42|-.10|+.66|+1.98|45 5.03|57.6|7.4|0.0|-0 5.65|[[strikethrough]]-2[[strikethrough]] 7[[/strikethrough]] 8.20[[/strikethrough]]-6.9|52.48|
|-20-33+.68+.48|+27.14|-34.66|38 8.40|(37 58.15)|37 12.60|37 43.83|45 4.52|+1291|+1.41|-.26|+.58|+1.73|45 6.25|57.7|8.6|0.0|-0 7.13|[[strikethrough]] -28.30[[/strikethrough]]-7.0|52.12|
|-39-3+.64+.58|+37.86|+11.26|388 15.85|37 53.00|[17.80]|37 42.70|45 5.65|+1071|+1.41|-.21|+.61|+1.81|45 7.46|58.9|8.6|0.0|-0 7.[[strikethrough]]14[[/strikethrough]]70|[[strikethrough]] -29.50[[/strikethrough]]-8.1|57.66|

Approx z=+5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 3' 4" m+log tan z=0.70680 P'-P=-0.8"
log cos[[Delta]] 9.90043
log const. 08794n
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|-26-09+.55+.50|+31.34|+18.24|2 19.30|2 5.65|   |1 48.10|+37 21 0.25|+1170|-5.23|-.18|+.52|-4.89|20 55.36|20 50.2|-5.2|[[strikethrough]] +[[/strikethrough]]-0.2|-0 6.14|-1.30|20 47.72|

Transcription Notes:
Note: includes numbers on previous page that relate to this table ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-24 11:17:29 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 11:08:41