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December 14th., 1946

Dear Miss Burchfield:

Answering your note of December 12th., I am indeed sorry to have to tell you that I am unable to check up on the material on which the pictures you refer to are carried out. I have looked through our invoices, as well as the exhibitions and reference books, and none allows us to elucidate this point.

Looking at the photograph, however, it would seem safe to assume that the "Danseuses Roses" is on paper; whether it is applied to cardboard or canvas is impossible to tell. The "Chevaux de Courses" is a little more difficult to come to a conclusion about, however, as it doesn't look as if it were on cardboard, it is again pretty safe to believe that it is also on paper. That is all, of course, we could claim.

With renewed regrets not to be able to be more positive,

Sincerely yours,

Miss Louise H. Burchfield
The Cleveland Museum of Art (Germain Seligman)
Cleveland 6, Ohio


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