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ARTIST: ROGER ANLIKER Represented by: Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. 
Born, Akron, Ohio, 1924. 
Now, Professor, Department of Painting and Design, Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he has been since he graduated from the Cleveland Institute in 1947. 
At the moment is in Europe on a "GUGGENHEIM".
Has exhibited at the 
Whitney Museum 
Young Painters U.S.A, Corcoran Gallery Exb. of Contemporary American Drawings which toured France in 1954 - organized by Mr. Schniewind. 
Exh. of Contemporary American Drawings now on tour in Europe and organized by Mr. Heintzelman of Boston. 1956-7
TITLES: "CHARTRES CANDLES - gouache '57 22"x 30" $265.
"CAERULEA" ('55?) encaustic 
approx. 40"h. x 24" w. $900.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-25 16:00:46