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Lincoln Park
San Francisco, California

July 3, 1939

Dear Bob: 

I have quite a number of very good excuses for not having written you long before this. However, one alone should suffice - the protracted sessions of the Museum Directors, the Association of American Museums, and the Western Association of Art Directors. The place has been literally crawling with museum people - most of whom are charming as individuals but formidable en masse. We are at last getting a little breathing spell over this last holiday weekend. 

It will be a pleasure to see your mother and we shall be delighted to do anything we can to add to the enjoyment of her visit here. I am sorry, though, that you and Helen will not be coming out our way. How can you manage to get to Tahiti without coming via San Francisco? Are you taking a boat boat direct from New York? If so, I think it is a bad idea. We still have a little "charm" and "hospitality" which we should be very happy to expend upon the two of you.

Don't tell me that you haven't yet received copies of the catalogue of the show at the fair? You should have received two copies months ago. I shall see that this is taken care of at once.

We have no immediate summer plans. My mother and sister are coming out the middle of this month to spend a month and at the moment I am house-hunting for them. Both Francesca and I would dearly love to see the New York Fair and we are at least "talking" about a trip East in the Fall. 

The death of Francesca's father was a sad blow to us all but his life was as complete and as happy a one as any I know of and that helps a lot in adjusting one's self to such a loss. I shall give Francesca and her mother your message of sympathy. 

With warmest greetings to Helen and yourself, I am 
Sincerely yours,


Mr. Robert M. Levy, 
3 East 51st Street, 
New York City, N.Y.